Approvals Plus
Richmond Hill’s Approvals Plus program provides business owners, developers, and investors, with a formal service to help facilitate the development application process through the convenience of a single point of contact.
Program Description
- An evolution of the RH Concierge program’s focus on office and industrial development, Approvals Plus uses a coordinated inter-departmental approach led by Economic Development staff in partnership with Development Planning staff in the Planning and Regulatory Services Department. Its goal is to improve the customer experience and reduce the amount of time eligible development applications require for approval.
Eligibility Criteria
- Most non-residential development, particularly office and industrial
- But not: mixed-use residential/retail or government institutional projects
- New developments, large additions, or major renovations
- Primarily for Site Plans (major or minor) and Site Plan Amendments
- Also for: qualifying non-residential Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-Law Amendments
- But not for: Committee of Adjustment applications, Part Lot Control, Sign Bylaw, or projects requiring Building Permits only
- Prioritizes Richmond Hill business parks, centres and corridors, but developments anywhere in the City can qualify provided other criteria are met
- Acceptance into the Approvals Plus program is at the sole discretion of the City
More Information
For more information regarding Approvals Plus, please contact our program lead, Michael Logue at