The Access Richmond Hill Contact Centre provides assistance for general inquiries, responds to questions or concerns regarding programs and services as well as accepts in person payments.
Hours of Service:
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Report a problem with a service, e.g. missed garbage collection, overnight parking, potholes, street lights, etc.
"The City of Richmond Hill Council and staff are committed to providing exceptional public service to our community."
This mission statement was approved by Council in April 2009 as part of the City's overall Strategic Plan, which focuses on the goals and aspirations of the people and provides a long-term vision and direction for the City by stating: "Richmond Hill, where people come together to build our community." The plan clearly articulates a mission, vision, goals, outcomes and strategies that respect the balance between people, the environment and the economy, while also inspiring change.