Lake Wilcox Special Policy Area
The area around Lake Wilcox is partly located in the floodplain. The north shore of Lake Wilcox was identified as a Special Policy Area (SPA) in 1995. The SPA policies allow the existing uses in this area to continue to exist. Without these policies, this area could experience social and economic issues.
Outside of the SPA, the remaining lands located in the floodplain are generally designated as part of Richmond Hill's Greenway System.
A review of the Lake Wilcox SPA boundaries was undertaken. The review was based on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority's revised floodplain mapping and Richmond Hill's Official Plan.
The Region of York approved Official Plan Amendment 22 (OPA 22) on September 28, 2021. This OPA amends the policies and boundary of the Lake Wilcox Special Policy Area. Both OPA 22 and its associated Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBLA 256-88) were appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT). For information regarding these appeals, please see the case file numbers PL070987 and OLT 21-001120.
The City initiated the Special Policy Area review in 2011. A draft Justification Report was shared with Council and the public in 2016. Following review of the report by the Province, the City updated the Justification Report and proposed amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, this updated information was shared with Council and the public in 2017.
City Council approved in principle the draft Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and the draft Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) for the Lake Wilcox SPA at the October 10th, 2017 Council Meeting. Please see item 2.6 in the meeting minutes for more information.
Following Council's approval in principle, the City received endorsements from the Region of York and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority in January, 2018.
On April 6, 2021, the Ministers of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Natural Resources and Forestry approved of the proposed changes to the SPA boundary and land use policies, with some modifications.
OPA 22 and the amendment to Zoning By-law 256-88 were then updated to reflect modifications by the Province. The updated OPA and ZBA were subsequently adopted by City Council on June 9, 2021.
Staff Report SRPRS.16.030 - February 29, 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting regarding the Lake Wilcox SPA Review
- "Draft" Justification Report - associated with Staff Report SRPRS.16.030
Staff Report SRPRS.17.088 - May 24, 2017 Council Public Meeting regarding the Lake Wilcox SPA Review
- "Revised" Justification Report (including "Draft" OPA and ZBLA)
- "Draft" Official Plan Amendment and "Draft" Zoning By-law Amendment
Staff Report SRPRS.17.103 - June 20, 2017 Committee of the Whole Meeting regarding the Lake Wilcox SPA Review
Staff Report SRPI.21.051 - June 9, 2021 Council Meeting regarding the adoption of Official Plan Amendment 22 and associated Zoning By-law Amendment to update the Lake Wilcox SPA.