American Sycamore
Average height: 30-40m; Light: Sun, partial shade, shade Moisture: Moist; Soil: Clay, sand, loam Bloom time: March to April; Flower colour: Red Fall colour: Yes; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Birds Edible: Sap can be purified into syrup

Eastern Redbud
Average height: 6-9m; Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Moist; Soil: Clay, sand, loam Bloom time: March to May; Flower colour: Pink/purple Fall colour: Yes; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Birds, bees, butterflies Edible: Young fruit and flowers, raw or cooked

White Birch
Average height: 6-30m Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Moist; Soil: Sand, loam, salt tolerant Bloom time: April to May Flower colour: Yellow, green/brown Fall colour: Yes; Winter interest: Yes Wildlife attracted: Squirrels, birds and hummingbirds. Larval host for Eastern Tiger Swallowtail and Luna Moth; Edible: No

White Cedar
Average height: 9-16m Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry, normal, moist; Soil: clay, sand, loam, drought and salt tolerant Bloom time: Non-flowering; Flower colours: Non-flowering Fall colour: No; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Squirrels, birds Edible: No
White Pine
Average height: 30-50 m Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry, normal, moist; Soil: sand, loam, Humus enriched Bloom time: Non-flowering; Flower Colours: Non-flowering Fall colour: No; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Birds Edible: No
White Spruce
Average Height: 20-30 m Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Normal, moist; Soil: Clay, sand, loam Bloom time: Non-flowering; Flower colours: Non-flowering Fall colour: No; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Birds Edible: No

American Hazelnut
Average height: 2.5-5m Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry, normal, moist; Soil: Sand, loam, clay Bloom time: March to June; Flower colour: White/red Fall colour: Yes; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Squirrels, birds, bees Edible: Nuts, raw or cooked

Average height: 1.5-3m Light: Partial shade, shade Moisture: Moist; Soil: Clay, sand, loam Bloom time: June to September; Flower colour: White Fall colour: Yes; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Birds, butterflies, bees Edible: No

Creeping Juniper
Average height: <1m Light: Sun Moisture: Dry, normal; Soil: Clay, sand, loam Bloom time: March to May; Flower colour: Non-flowering Fall colour: No; Winter interest: Yes Wildlife attracted: Birds, squirrels Edible: Berries can be brewed into tea

Flowering Raspberry
Average height: 1-3m Light: Sun, partial shade, shade Moisture: Moist; Soil: Sand, loam Bloom time: June to August; Flower colour: Pink/purple Fall colour: Yes; Winter interest: Yes Wildlife attracted: Birds, butterflies, bees, squirrels Edible: For jellies, preserves, pies and wines

Average height: 2-3m Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry, normal, moist Soil: Sand, loam, drought tolerant Bloom time: June to July; Flower colour: White/cream, pink Fall colour: Yes; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Birds, bees Edible: No

Smooth Wild Rose
Average height: 2-3m Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry to medium; Soil: Sandy loam Bloom time: June/July; Flower colour: Pink Fall colour: Yes; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Bumblebees, birds Edible: Yes
Average height: 2-4m Light: Sun, partial shade, shade Moisture: Dry, normal, moist; Soil: Sand, loam Bloom time: March to May; Flower colours: Yellow/green Fall colour: Yes; Winter interest: No Wildlife attracted: Bees, butterflies, birds Edible: Fruit and flowers, raw or cooked; twigs can be brewed into tea
Sun Kit
Black-Eyed Susan
Average height: 30-150cm Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry, normal, moist Soil: Sand, loam Bloom time: June to October Flower colour: Yellow, orange Wildlife attracted: Birds, butterflies, insects Quantity: 2

Butterfly Milkweed
Average height: 30-60cm Light: Sun Moisture: Dry, normal Soil: Sand, loam Bloom time: May to September Flower colour: Orange, yellow Wildlife attracted: Birds, butterflies, butterfly larvae Quantity: 2
Swamp Milkweed
Average height: Up to 150cm Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Normal, moist Soil: Clay, loam Bloom time: June to October Flower colour: Pink, purple Wildlife attracted: Butterflies, butterfly larvae, bees Quantity: 2
Wild Bergamot
Average height: 60-120cm Light: Sun Moisture: Dry, normal, moist Soil: Sand, clay, loam, hummus enriched Bloom time: July to August Flower colour: Showy - purple, pink Wildlife Attracted: Birds, hummingbirds, butterflies, bees Quantity: 2
Hairy Beardtongue
Average height: 30-150cm Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry, moist, normal Soil: Sand, loam Bloom time: June to October Flower colour: Pink, purple Wildlife attracted: Butterflies, birds, insects Quantity: 2
Lance-leaved Coreopsis
Average height: 30-60cm Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry, normal Soil: Sand, loam, clay Bloom time: March to August Flower colour: Yellow Wildlife attracted: Butterflies, insects Quantity: 2
Little Bluestem
Average height: 30-150cm Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry, normal Soil: Sand, loam, clay Bloom time: June to December Flower colour: White, green, brown Wildlife attracted: Butterflies, birds, insects Quantity: 2
New England Aster
Average height: 30-120cm Light: Sun Moisture: Dry Soil: Dry Bloom time: August to November Flower colour: Pale blue Wildlife attracted: Butterflies, butterfly larvae, bees Quantity: 2
Wild Strawberry
Average height: 5-25cm Light: Sun, partial shade Moisture: Dry, normal Soil: Clay, sand Bloom time: May to July Flower colour: White/cream Wildlife attracted: Birds, butterflies, larvae, bees Quantity: 2
Shade Kit
Blue Vervain
Average height: Up to 150cm Light: Sun, partial shade, shade Moisture: Normal, wet Soil: Loam, sand, clay Bloom time: June to October Flower colour: Blue/purple Wildlife attracted: Butterflies, birds Quantity: 1
Canada Anemone
Average height: Up to 75cm Light: Partial shade, shade Moisture: Moist Soil: Moderately moist, sandy soil Bloom time: May, June, July Flower colour: White Wildlife attracted: Bees, some bird species Quantity: 1
Large-leaved Aster
Average height: Up to 100cm Light: Sun, partial shade, shade Moisture: Dry, normal Soil: Clay, sand, loam Bloom time: July to October Flower colour: White, blue, purple Wildlife attracted: Bees, butterflies Quantity: 3
Nodding Onion
Average height: 60cm Light: Sun Moisture: Moist Soil: Moist, clay to loam Bloom time: July, August Flower colour: White/pink Wildlife attracted: Bees, birds, small mammals Quantity: 1
Sweet Joe Pye Weed
Average height: Up to 2m Light: Sun, part shade Moisture: Moist Soil: Moist, wet loam Bloom time: July, August Flower colour: Pink/purple Wildlife attracted: Bees, birds Quantity: 2
Average height: 60-90cm Light: Partial shade, shade Moisture: Dry, moist Soil: Sand, loam, Humus enriched Bloom time: May to July Flower colour: White Wildlife attracted: Bees Quantity: 2
Wild Columbine
Average height: 30-100cm Light: Shade, partial shade Moisture: Dry, normal, moist Soil: Clay, sand, loam Bloom time: April to July Flower colour: Showy - red, pink, yellow Wildlife attracted: Birds, hummingbirds, butterflies Quantity: 3
Zig Zag Goldenrod
Average height: 30 to 100 cm Light: Partial shade, shade Moisture: Moist Soil: Sand, loam, hummus enriched Bloom time: Late summer Flower colour: Yellow Wildlife attracted: Hummingbirds, bees Quantity: 3