Yonge and Carrville/16th Key Development Area
The Yonge Street and Carrville Road/16th Avenue Key Development Area (KDA) is an intensification area and major node of retail and commercial development on the Yonge Street Regional Rapid Transit corridor. A draft Secondary Plan and draft Implementing Zoning By-law have been prepared for this area to help guide future development at this intersection to 2031 and beyond.
The Secondary Plan provides direction for intensification of the area as a retail, commercial, and medium to high-density development node. A draft Secondary Plan and Official Plan amendment (OPA) were presented to Council in May 2017. Based on public input received, the Plan and OPA have been redrafted for further consultation. In May 2018, a draft implementing zoning by-law was prepared for public comment. All documents were informed by the Yonge Street and 16th Avenue KDA Policy Directions and Recommendations Report and include area-specific policies that reflect the unique context, character, and planned vision for the KDA as set out in the Official Plan. The Secondary Plan proposes policy direction on matters such as:
- Character (i.e. mix of uses, distribution of density, built form design)
- Parks and open space
- Transportation
- Servicing
The Zoning By-law provides the regulatory framework to implement the Secondary Plan and facilitate the development of this area as set out in the Official Plan and Secondary Plan over time.
The revised draft Secondary Plan and draft Zoning By-law are available to download below.
Revised Draft Yonge and Carrville/16th Key Development Area Secondary Plan
Image of proposed amendment to Official Plan Schedule A2
A supplementary traffic study is also available in support of these documents.
The draft Secondary Plan and draft Implementing Zoning By-law are being revisited as part of the Official Plan Update project. For more information on this project, please visit the Official Plan Update page.
How can I provide comments?
Please submit written comments on the revised Official Plan amendments and draft Implementing Zoning By-law related to the Yonge and Carrville/16th KDA in any of the following formats:
Mail: Policy Planner, City of Richmond Hill, 225 East Beaver Creek Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4
Fax: 905-771-2404
Email: planning@richmondhill.ca
For more information regarding submissions and the collection of information, please contact the Office of the Clerk at 905-771-8800 or by email at clerks@richmondhill.ca.
Submitting development applications in the interim
If you are submitting a development application for a property within the KDA, please note that Council directed staff to use the Yonge Street and 16th Avenue Key Development Area Policy Directions and Recommendations Report in the review of development applications until such time as a new Secondary Plan is adopted. The Report was endorsed by Council on January 30, 2017 and outlines the vision, principles and key directions to guide the physical long-term evolution of the Yonge Street and Carrville Road/16th Avenue area. The Report was used to guide the preparation of the draft Secondary Plan and includes the preferred land use and design scenario as shown below.
- Staff Report - Terms of Reference for the Yonge Street and 16th Avenue Key Development Area (16th KDA) Secondary Plan - April 13, 2015 (SRPRS.15.032)
- Staff Report - Yonge Street and 16th Avenue Key Development Area - Background Research and Analysis Report - People Plan Task Force April 13, 2016 (SRPRS.16.059)
- Presentation - Yonge Street and 16th Avenue Key Development Area Background Study - People Plan Task Force April 13, 2016
- Staff Report - Yonge Street and 16th Avenue Key Development Area - Policy Directions and Recommendations Report - January 23, 2017 (SRPRS.17.012)
- Staff Report - Draft Yonge Street and Carrville Road/16th Avenue Key Development Area Secondary Plan - May 10, 2017 (SRPRS.17.072) (Includes version 1 of the Draft Secondary Plan)
- Staff Report - Revised Yonge Street and Carrville Road/ 16th Avenue Key Development Area Secondary Plan - May 2, 2018 (SRPRS.18.089)
If you would like a copy of any of the listed documents, please contact planning@richmondhill.ca.