Garbage and Recycling at Your Home
Waste Collection Delay
Due to the recent storm, waste collection may take longer than usual today (Friday). If any streets are missed, the contractor will return first thing Saturday morning to collect the waste. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Houses in Richmond Hill are provided with curbside collection for recycling (blue box), organics (green bin), garbage and yard waste.
Waste Management Calendar |
Where to purchase waste bins and garbage tags |
Recycle Coach App |
To get the same great information and services regarding Richmond Hill’s waste collection programs and schedule, download the Recycle Coach app from the App Store or get it on Google Play. Please Note: The link to the Recycle Coach app is provided for your convenience only. The Recycle Coach app is the property of Municipal Media Inc., and not of the City of Richmond Hill. The City of Richmond Hill bears no responsibility whatsoever for this product, including for its contents or its handling of any of your personal information. You may wish to review the app’s terms and privacy policy before downloading. Any questions regarding the Recycle Coach app should be directed to Municipal Media Inc. |
Collection schedule |
When is my waste collected?To find your collection week and day, use one of the following tools: Holiday collectionIf your normal collection day occurs on a statutory holiday (with the exception of Boxing Day), your collection will be moved by one day during that week (for example from Thursday to Friday). Any regular collection days following this statutory holiday during that week will also be moved forward by one day. Please see the waste management calendar for specific dates or contact Access Richmond Hill for more information at 905-771-8800. |
What goes where? |
If you aren't sure what goes where, you can use our search tool to find out: |
Garbage |
Garbage is collected every other week and includes furniture and other large items. Collection guidelines
Furniture and large items |
Furniture and large items are collected every other week with garbage. Collection guidelines
Recycling (blue box) |
Recycling is collected weekly. Collection guidelines
For more information about the blue box program, including a list of all acceptable items, please visit York Region's website. How to Reduce Wind-Blown Litter
Where can I get a blue box?Visit the Garbage Tags and Bins page to find out where you can buy a new blue box or exchange a broken/damaged City of Richmond Hill labelled blue box. |
Organics (green bin) |
Organics is collected weekly. Collection guidelines
Where can I get a green bin?Visit the Garbage Tags and Bins page to find out where you can buy a new green bin or kitchen catcher, as well as exchange a broken/damaged City of Richmond Hill labelled green bin. How to avoid pests
Yard waste collection |
Yard waste includes leaves, pine cones, fallen fruit, tree/shrub clippings, weeds, flowers, pumpkins, clean straw and dried corn stalks. Soil, sod and grass clippings are NOT ACCEPTED. 2025 Yard Waste Collection Schedule
*If you live in the "blue zone" collection begins the week of April 15. If you live in the "yellow zone" it begins the week of April 22. Check the Waste Management Calendar to see what zone you're in. Collection guidelines
What goes where?If you aren't sure what goes where, you can use one of the tools below to find out: Drop off your yard wasteRichmond Hill residents can drop off their yard waste at the Bloomington Yard Waste Depot located at 1351 Bloomington Road, Richmond Hill. Visit for hours and fees. |
Where to place your waste in winter |
On waste collection days, place your garbage, blue boxes, green bins and/or yard waste away from the curb on the right side of your driveway (if you're facing the house). This will allow our plows to clear the pile of snow from the bottom of your driveway without disturbing the waste. |
Appliance and metal items collection |
Large appliances and metal items are collected free of charge by appointment only. Visit the large appliance collection page for details and to schedule your collection. |
Christmas tree collection |
Christmas trees will be collected on your regular waste collection day during the weeks of January 7 and 14, 2025. Collection guidelines:
Richmond Hill residents can also drop off their Christmas tree at the Bloomington Yard Waste Depot located at 1351 Bloomington Road, Richmond Hill. Fees apply. Visit for details. |
Household battery recycling |
Used single use and rechargeable household batteries weighing 5kgs or less are accepted in the collection containers at Richmond Hill’s main Municipal Offices (225 East Beaver Creek Road), the Operations Centre (1200 Elgin Mills Road East) and all community centres and libraries except for Richvale Library, Centennial Pool and the Wave Pool. Cell phone and laptop batteries are also accepted. Used batteries can also be taken to York Region Waste Depots. How to prepare your batteries for safe recycling: 1. Check for damage. Damaged or leaking batteries must be taken to a waste depot. 2. Tape terminal ends. Use tape to cover the terminal ends of all AA, AAA, C, D, button cell, rechargeable and 6 and 9 volt batteries. This helps to prevent them from short-circuiting and causing a fire. 3. Drop them off in a battery collection container. |
Electronic waste |
Electronic waste (e-waste) is any electronic equipment in your home that no longer works and cannot be repaired. E-waste is not collected through curbside pickup and should not be thrown in the garbage because these items contain hazardous materials and often have recyclable parts. |
York Region waste depots |
There are several waste depots where residents can drop off garbage, recycling, yard waste, electronics and other waste. Visit the Drop Off Your Waste page for more information. |
Programs and Initiatives
Textile waste reduction |
In Canada, 500,000 kilograms of clothing and other textiles are put in the garbage each year! The best way to limit the environmental impacts of clothing and other textiles is to make sustainable choices. |
Reducing single-use items |
Single-use items are products and packaging designed to be used only once before they are discarded. Examples include disposable cutlery, straws, stir sticks, shopping bags, water bottles, Styrofoam and take-out containers. Single-use items can negatively affect our natural environment. These items can often be avoided or replaced with more sustainable, reusable alternatives. For more information and a list of reusable alternatives, visit the Reducing Single-Use Items page. |
Double-up Days for garbage collection |
To make seasonal cleaning easier, we're offering Double-up Days! You can put out up to 6 garbage items during Double-Up Days, as opposed to the regular 3 items, without purchasing garbage tags. A garbage item means a bag, bundle, garbage can or piece of furniture. Please set out your items on your regular garbage collection day. Use the colour zone map on page 1 of the Waste Management Calendar to determine which week applies to you. 2025 Spring Double-Up Days
2025 Fall Double-Up Days
Curbside Giveaway Days |
During Curbside Giveaway Days residents are invited to place unwanted items, labelled FREE, at the curb for other residents and community members to browse and take for their own use, free of charge. This is a great opportunity to declutter and find a new home for your unwanted items, while also picking up something you may want or need for free. 2025 Schedule
Anything remaining must be brought back inside by 5 p.m. For more information, visit |
Illegal dumping |
Disposing of waste on public or private property without permission of the property owner is considered illegal dumping and is subject to fines. Visit the Illegal Dumping and Litter page for more information. |
Waste By-law
The City's Waste By-law regulates and maintains a system for the collection and disposal of household waste in the City of Richmond Hill.