People living in a high-rise apartment or condominium building need to think ahead and be prepared in the event of a fire. It is important to know the fire safety features in your building and work together with neighbours to help keep the building as fire-safe as possible.
Be Prepared!
- Know the fire safety features in your building and the emergency procedures outlined in the building’s fire safety plan
- Know the locations of all available exit stairs from your floor in case the nearest one is blocked by fire or smoke
- Make sure all exit and stairwell doors are clearly marked, not locked or blocked by security bars and clear of clutter
- Building management should hold a fire drill with occupants at least once a year - be sure to participate when your building drills take place
- Speak to your building or property manager if you see a damaged smoke alarm or fire extinguisher, an emergency light that has burned out, or combustibles in the hallways or exits
- If you require assistance to evacuate in an emergency, be sure to notify the property or building manager to add your name to the list in the building's fire safety plan
- If you rent, it is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that each residential unit is provided with a working smoke alarm, replace the batteries and test the alarms. It is the duty of the tenant to notify the landlord as soon as they become aware that a smoke alarm may not be working properly
What Should I do if There is a Fire?
Most of the time, the best thing to do in a fire is leave the building as soon as possible. But in some cases you may not be able to leave and you may have to stay in your apartment. For instance, if you are not able to use the stairs to evacuate or there is smoke or fire in the hallway, you will need to stay inside your unit. Whether you decide to stay or go, you must act quickly and protect yourself from the smoke.
If There is a Fire in Your Unit |
- Tell everyone in the unit to leave. Always close all doors behind you - this will slow the spread of smoke and fire.
- Pull the fire alarm on your floor and yell “FIRE”.
- Leave the building using the nearest stairway.
- Call 9-1-1 when you are safe.
- Meet the firefighters and tell them where the fire is.
If You Decide to Leave When You Hear The Fire Alarm |
- Feel the door to your unit before opening it. If it is hot, it is not safe to leave and you should shelter in place. If it is cool, leave the building immediately.
- If the hallway is clear of smoke or heat, go to your nearest stairwell.
- DO NOT use the elevator.
- Open the nearest stairway door carefully. Use the stairway to leave the building if there is no smoke, always go down and NEVER GO UP.
- Close all doors behind you.
- Leave the stairway as soon as possible and use another stairway if you come across any smoke on your way down the stairs.
- If this is not an option, return to your unit, or seek shelter in another unit.
- If an announcement is made throughout the building, listen carefully and follow the directions.
If You Can't Get Out of Your Unit, or You Decide to Stay |
Protect yourself from smoke if you can't exit your unit safely. Remember that the longer you wait, the more likely there will be heavy smoke in hallways and stairways so DO NOT try to leave after the alarm has been sounding for a long time. Follow these steps when you stay in your unit during a fire:
- Stay in your apartment until you are rescued or until you are told to leave. This may take a long time.
- Keep smoke from entering your apartment. Use duct tape to seal cracks around the door and place wet towels at the bottom. Seal vents or air ducts the same way.
- Call 9-1-1 from your unit and let them know where you are.
If Smoke Enters Your Unit |
- Call 9-1-1 and tell them where you are and then move to the balcony. Check carefully for smoke and/or fire outside before opening any doors.
- Close the doors behind you.
- If you don’t have a balcony, go to the most smoke-free room, close the door and seal it with tape and towels. If necessary, open the window for fresh air. Show emergency personnel where you are by hanging a sheet from the window or balcony.
- Keep low to the floor where the air is cleaner.
- Listen for instructions from authorities.
Call Richmond Hill's Fire Prevention Division at 905-883-5444 for more information. Richmond Hill Fire and Emergency Services offers free High-Rise Fire Safety resident information sessions.
Learn more about fire prevention.