The Access Richmond Hill Contact Centre provides assistance for general inquiries, responds to questions or concerns regarding programs and services as well as accepts in person payments.
Hours of Service:
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Report a problem with a service, e.g. missed garbage collection, overnight parking, potholes, street lights, etc.
The City is working on a Parking and Transportation Demand Management Strategy for Developments as an update to the Council-approved 2010 Parking Strategy Draft Report. The Strategy seeks to align parking-related development policy with the City’s vision of building a new form of urban, affordable and transit-oriented community.
Residents provided feedback through surveys made available in March and October 2021 about parking space requirements and electric vehicle accommodation for new developments. Feedback from residents was also obtained from the public consultation for the City’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review which occurred on June 24, 2024. This input will help inform decisions about effective parking management practices for Richmond Hill that ensure appropriate parking supplies promote sustainable transportation choices, help to reduce car dependency, and effectively accommodate electric vehicles.
The Parking and Transportation Demand Management Strategy for Developments is intended to recommend standards, guidance and input into the City’s ongoing Comprehensive Zoning By-Law Review, the Transportation Master Plan Update, as well as the City’s Official Plan Update and related Secondary Plans. The Draft Strategy can be found under Phase 2 (Strategic Directions) of Zone Richmond Hill.
For the previous Draft Parking Strategy, contact Planning and Infrastructure Services.
Richmond Hill is updating its Transportation Master Plan (TMP) to establish a future vision for all travel modes within the City to the year 2041. Learn more about the Transportation Master Plan Update.
A Municipal Class Environment Assessment (EA) is a process by which municipal infrastructure projects -- including road projects -- are planned, in accordance with the EA Act. Learn more about Municipal Class EA studies.
In Richmond Hill Radar Message Boards are used increase road and safety awareness of drivers in the community. They were introduced to the public in 1998. The radar on the Radar Message Board is aimed at oncoming traffic and records the speed of the vehicle, displaying it on the board so drivers can see how fast they are travelling.
Our Radar Message Boards let drivers know how much over the speed limit they are traveling. This will hopefully encourage them to slow down in these areas, making streets safer for pedestrians and residents in the area.
The Radar Message Board project is supported by York Regional Police. The boards are placed on local streets for a short period of time when residents request one. Call the Infrastructure and Engineering Services at 905-771-8830 to request a Radar Message Board in your area.