The Access Richmond Hill Contact Centre provides assistance for general inquiries, responds to questions or concerns regarding programs and services as well as accepts in person payments.
Hours of Service:
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Report a problem with a service, e.g. missed garbage collection, overnight parking, potholes, street lights, etc.
Effective January 1, 2024, Richmond Hill will no longer oversee the towing industry in our city. The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) will assume this role and implement the new Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Towing and Storage Safety Enforcement Act (TSSEA) throughout the province.
The TSSEA has established a provincial framework for the towing and vehicle storage sector, replacing former municipal oversight.
The Act requires tow operators, tow truck drivers, and vehicle storage operators to have a provincial certificate to operate. Operators and tow truck drivers will have to comply with provincial governance.
As a result, The City of Richmond Hill is no longer regulating and issuing licenses to tow operators, tow truck drivers, and vehicle storage operators.
Members of the public are welcomed to submit inquiries, or complaints related to tow trucks and vehicle storage facilities to