Council Highlights
Maintenance of Parks Infrastructure Key to Exceptional Public Service
Richmond Hill’s parks are vital components to its community. As such, Council voted unanimously for the full reconstruction of three lit tennis courts located in Headwaters Community Park. Funding ($495,000 before tax) will be allocated from the Infrastructure Repair and Replacement Reserve Fund. Work includes the replacement of court surfaces, new nets and posts, perimeter fencing, site furnishings and the re-lamping of the existing illumination to LED. With this approval, it’s expected that the tennis courts will be available in 2019. Richmond Hill’s parks enhance the community’s quality of life by providing spaces that support healthy lifestyles and opportunities for residents to connect and socialize. They also enhance the economic value of surrounding properties, contribute to environmental protection and help to create vibrant neighbourhoods. For more information, contact, Jeff Stewart, Manager, Parks Operations, at 905-780-2935.
Council Approves Village of Richmond Hill Business Improvement Area Budget
Council approved the Richmond Hill Business Improvement Area’s (BIA) 2018 budget of $121,200. The funding will be provided from two sources – the BIA’s Levy and the BIA bank holdings – and $102,080 of this will be levied upon the rateable properties in the improvement area. In addition to approving the budget, Council approved transitioning financial operations and related reporting responsibilities to Richmond Hill’s Financial Services Division later this year. This includes transferring banking functions and processes; establishing a dedicated chart of accounts; transitioning BIA staff to the Town’s payroll system; and implementing a regular cycle of financial reporting to the BIA Board. A BIA allows local businesses and property owners to join together and with the support of the municipality, to organize, finance and perform physical improvements and promote economic development in their municipalities. BIAs are traditionally established by municipalities using the specific business improvement area provisions in the Municipal Act, 2001 and are governed by a board of management. The supporting municipalities are responsible for approving the BIA’s budget. For more information, contact David Dexter, Director, Financial Services/Treasurer, at 905-771-2484.
The next Committee of the Whole Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 4:30 p.m. and the next Council Meeting is Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. Both meetings will be held in Council Chambers.