- What is a Zoning By-law?
A Zoning By-law is a legal document regulating the use of a property and how development can occur on it, including land use, building and structure location, size, height and density, lot size, and parking.
- What is the purpose of a Zoning By-law?
The primary purpose of a Zoning By-law is to implement the vision and policies of the City’s Official Plan in a legally enforceable manner.
- What are Zoning By-law Amendments (ZBAs)?
Zoning By-law Amendments (ZBAs) are amendments made to a Zoning By-law to permit a proposed development application that does not conform to the existing applicable development standards in the Zoning By-law. ZBAs can also be City-initiated to make amendments or additions to existing by-laws.
- How does a Zoning By-law impact me and my property?
A Zoning By-law impacts what you can build on your property. It regulates lot size and dimension, land use, height, setbacks, density of structures, and also regulates landscaping and parking.
- Why is the City of Richmond Hill reviewing its Zoning By-laws?
The City is reviewing its Zoning By-laws to update and implement its Official Plan and consolidate its 40 Parent Zoning By-laws, which are outdated with current planning policies, trends, issues and standards. The City’s goal is to create one City-wide Comprehensive Zoning By-law that is up-to-date, easy to access, read, and interpret by everyone.
- How can I participate in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law (CZBL) review?
You can participate in the CZBL review by visiting this page often or by signing up to receive notifications (on the bottom of the page) and attending our public consultation events (open houses) to share your valuable input and feedback.
Phase 1 includes the following:
Review of City’s existing Zoning By-laws
Preparation of technical papers on various zoning matters that identify potential options to consider for the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law
Preparation of building typology studies to inform the new comprehensive Zoning By-law
Stakeholder and public Consultations
Technical Papers |
Virtual public information sessions were held in 2021 and 2022 to inform the public of the following technical papers.
Community Uses Technical Paper |
The City prepared a technical paper on community uses. The purpose of this technical paper is to identify potential zoning approaches for community uses in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to permit community uses as-of-right on properties that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
This paper reviews:
- public and private schools;
- places of worship;
- day nurseries;
- social services;
- cultural services; and,
- quasi-public/private uses such as other privately operated public facilities.
Consultation with the public and stakeholders took place and feedback received has been considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Community Uses Technical Paper.
Implementation Tools Technical Paper |
The City is preparing a technical paper on implementation tools prescribed by the Planning Act. The purpose of this Technical paper is to identify zoning approaches that are appropriate to implement the land use and built form controls in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to permit implementation tools that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
This paper reviews:
- The form of a Zoning By-law;
- Community Planning Permit System; and,
- Minor Variance Criteria.
Consultation took place and feedback received will be considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Implementation Tools Technical Paper.
Aging In Place Technical Paper |
The City prepared a technical paper on aging in place. The purpose of this technical paper is to identify potential zoning approaches for aging in place uses in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to permit aging in place uses as-of-right on properties that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
This paper reviews:
- emerging trends of the aging in place concept; and,
- considerations for land uses and built forms.
Consultation with the public and stakeholders took place and feedback received has been considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Aging In Place Technical Paper.
Cannabis Cultivation and Processing Technical Paper |
The City prepared a technical paper on cannabis cultivation and processing. The Federal Cannabis Act (2018) created a regulatory framework for the production, distribution, sale, cultivation and possession of cannabis in Canada. For local governments, the Cannabis Act has significant implications for land use regulation. The City adopted a zoning by-law in 2014 to allow medical marijuana production in certain industrial zones in response to the Federal regulations at the time. However, these provisions do not take into account recent Federal Regulations. The purpose of this technical paper is to identify potential zoning approaches for cannabis cultivation and processing in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to permit cannabis cultivation and processing uses as-of-right on properties that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
This paper reviews:
- federal and provincial regulatory framework;
- site design considerations; and,
- form, location and scale of commercial cultivation and processing.
Consultation with the public and stakeholders took place and feedback received has been considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Cannabis Cultivation and Processing Technical Paper.
Residential Parking and Landscape Requirements Technical Paper |
The City prepared a technical paper on residential parking and landscape requirements for ground related dwellings (single detached dwellings, semi-detached dwellings and street townhouses). The purpose of this technical paper is to identify potential zoning approaches for residential parking and landscape requirements for ground related dwellings in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to establish development standards for residential parking and landscape requirements that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
This paper reviews:
- parking in a front yard or exterior side yard;
- minimum standards for landscaping a front yard;
- maximum driveway widths;
- temporary structures for parking and storage; and,
- residential and commercial vehicles parking.
Consultation with the public and stakeholders took place and feedback received has been considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Residential Parking and Landscape Requirements Technical Paper.
Additional Residential Units Technical Paper |
The City initiated a technical paper on additional residential units (such as secondary suites, basement apartments, granny flats and garden suites). The purpose of the paper was to inform a zoning approach for additional residential units that is sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
Please note that while this study was underway, the Provincial Government passed the More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019, which required additional residential units to be permitted in single detached, semi-detached and row houses and also within accessory structures to these houses.
In response to the Provincial legislation, A City-wide Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment was initiated by the City of Richmond Hill in advance of the completion of the Technical Paper. A Council Public Information Meeting related to Additional Residential Units was held on December 2, 2020. At a Council Meeting held on March 24, 2021, Council approved Official Plan Amendment 23 and Zoning By-law 13-21, which are now in effect.
Please visit the Additional Residential Unit website for information with regards to a building permit application.
Automotive Commercial Uses Technical Paper |
The City prepared a technical paper on automotive commercial uses. The purpose of the paper was to identify optional zoning approaches for automotive commercial related uses in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to permit automotive commercial uses as-of-right on properties that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
This paper reviews:
- the range of and differentiation amongst automotive-related land uses and automotive service commercial uses;
- appropriate definitions for these land uses;
- the range, scale, built-form and site design considerations for these land uses that would be appropriate to locate within the Centres and Corridors, Neighbourhood and Employment lands;
- emerging trends for these land uses including, but not limited to, locational criteria, consideration of co-location, campusing and or/integration of different uses; and,
- any other matters relevant to this scope of work that may arise.
Consultation with the public and stakeholders took place and feedback received has been considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Automotive Commercial Uses Technical Paper.
Residential Accessory Structures Technical Paper |
The City prepared a technical paper on residential accessory structures. The purpose of the paper was to identify optional zoning approaches for residential accessory structures in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to permit residential accessory structures as-of-right on properties that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
This paper reviews:
- residential accessory structures within both the urban and rural areas of the City;
- locational criteria, size and height, along with alternative accessory building structures, such as portable shelters and shipping containers; and,
- different definitions, uses and development standards of the City’s Parent Zoning By-laws, of area municipality zoning by-laws and emerging trends.
Consultation with the public and stakeholders took place and feedback received has been considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Accessory Structures Technical Paper.
Residential Infill Development Technical Paper |
The City prepared a technical paper on residential infill development. The purpose of the paper was to identify optional zoning approaches for residential infill development in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to permit residential infill development as-of-right on properties that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
This paper reviews the following forms of infill development:
- residential lot creation on existing streets through consent to sever approvals;
- residential back lot plans of subdivision; and,
- demolition of existing buildings and rebuilding on existing residential lots.
Consultation with the public and stakeholders took place and feedback received has been considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Residential Infill Development Technical Paper.
Residential Short-Term and Shared Accommodations Technical Paper |
The City prepared a technical paper on short term and shared residential accommodations. Short-term accommodations are described as rental accommodation provided for a short period (e.g. less than one month) in existing residential homes. Shared accommodations offer affordable housing and needed services, where residents live within a building comprised of units or suites, which have either a kitchen or bathroom, but not both. Some of these facilities, or common areas, are shared by the residents. Examples include rooming houses, boarding houses, lodging houses and institutional housing. The purpose of this paper was to identify optional zoning approaches for residential short term and shared accommodations in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to permit residential short term and shared accommodations as-of-right on properties that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
Consultation with the public and stakeholders took place and feedback received has been considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Residential Short-Term and Shared Accommodations Technical Paper.
Home Occupations Technical Paper |
The City prepared a technical paper on home occupation uses (including home businesses, home industries and live-work units). The purpose of the paper was to identify optional zoning approaches for home occupation uses in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new Zoning By-law seeks to permit home occupation uses as-of-right on properties that would conform to the Official Plan and be sensitive to the Richmond Hill context.
Consultation with the public and stakeholders took place and feedback received has been considered and incorporated, where appropriate, into the final technical paper. You may review the final Home Occupations Technical Paper.
Building Typology Studies |
A building typology study examines the key characteristics, forms, and functions of different types of buildings.
The primary purpose of the building typology studies is to establish a built-form framework which includes key design parameters to guide development and inform appropriate zoning development standards. Below are more information on the building typology studies.
Low-Rise Medium-Density Building Typology Study
The Official Plan designates residential areas in the City as Neighbourhoods. Low-rise medium-density residential uses such as townhouses, apartments, and mixed-use residential, and commercial buildings are permitted in the Neighbourhoods, subject to detailed policies on factors such as location and compatibility.
The City undertook a building typology study to consider low-rise medium-density residential uses in residential-only and mixed-use buildings. The study aims to identify optional zoning approaches for low-rise medium-density building types in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law, which seeks to permit these building forms as-of-right based on Official Plan policies and in relevant relation to the Richmond Hill.
This study reviews:
the appropriate placement of different building types in the City’s Neighbourhoods; and,
the site design considerations to implement appropriate building forms and development.
A summary brief and draft study were prepared as part of the research phase, which will inform the drafting of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law.
Centres and Corridors Building Typology Study |
The Official Plan designates certain areas along Yonge Street, Highway 7 and Major Mackenzie Drive as Centres and Corridors, and lands within the business parks as Employment Corridor. A mix of low-rise, mid-rise and high-rise buildings are permitted in Centres and Corridors, subject to detailed policies on factors such as location and compatibility.
The study's purpose is to identify zoning approaches for different building types in the new Comprehensive Zoning By-law. The new By-law seeks to permit these building forms as-of-right based on Official Plan policies and in relevant relation to the Richmond Hill.
This study reviews:
the appropriate placement of building forms such as low-rise, mid-rise and high-rise within the City’s Centres and Corridors;
the site design considerations to implement appropriate building forms within the City’s Centres and Corridors; and,
zoning standards to implement appropriate building forms and development.
A summary brief and draft study were prepared as part of the research phase, which will inform the drafting of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law.
View the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Public Open House Presentation held in June 2023.