Talent Recruitment
Resources for Scouting and Recruiting Top Talent
Business owners know success starts with the right people. Richmond Hill is home to a rich source of talent. To access local talent and those across the GTA, we have compiled a list of resources to help you with your search.
College/University Placement Offices |
Employing new graduates is a great way to fill entry-level positions, internships, part time vacancies, or even find seasoned employees who have returned to school to upgrade skills or obtain another degree or diploma. Look to our local Universities and Colleges to connect with some of the brightest in the country! Centennial College T: 416-289-5233 careerservices@centennialcollege.ca Durham College Oshawa campus - Student Services building, SSB 212, T: 905-721-3034 Whitby campus - Room 103A, T: 905-721-2000, ext. 4141 careerservices@durhamcollege.ca George Brown College Email: sjcareercentre@georgebrown.ca Casa Loma Campus, T: 416-415-5000, ext. 4100 Email: clcareercentre@georgebrown.ca Waterfront Campus, T: 416-415-5000, ext. 5301 Email: wfcareercentre@georgebrown.ca Humber College T: 416-675-5030 Employer Portal: Humber-CSM.Symplicity.com Email: careeradvancement@humber.ca McMaster University Faith Uyinmwen, Career Development and Relationship Manager T: 905-525-9140, ext. 23161 Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology Funnell Campus, Room J137, T: 905-575-2167/1-888-546-2667 Stoney Creek Campus, Room A121, T: 905-575-2537 Institute for Applied Health and Sciences at McMaster, Room 122 T: 905-540-4247, ext. 26710 OCAD (Ontario College of Art and Design) Derek Liddington, MFA, Coordinator, Career Development Email: dliddington@ocadu.ca T: 416-977-6000, ext. 4020 Ryerson University Email: Career@ryerson.ca Ian Ingles, Manager Employment Services, T: 416-979-5000, ext. 6620, iingeles@ryerson.ca Griffith D'Souza, Employment Services Assistant, T: 416-979-5000, ext. 7387, g4dsouza@ryerson.ca Seneca College Connecting career-ready students and graduates with employers senecacollege.ca/senecaworks King Campus, Grace Cuff, T: 416-491-5050, ext. 55007 Grace.Cuff@senecacollege.ca Markham Campus and Newnham Campus, Chris Magos T: 416-491-5050, ext. 77193, Chris.Magos@senecacollege.ca Seneca @ York Campus, Mary Saith, T: 416-491-5050, ext. 33124, Mary.Saith@senecacollege.ca Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Kerri Zanatta-Buehler, Employment Development Specialist kerri.zanatta-buehler@sheridanc.on.ca T: 905-845-9430, ext. 2706 University of Ontario Institute of Technology / Ontario Tech University Monica Aggarwal, Manager, Career Centre 905-721-8668, ext. 6580 U5 18 Monica.aggarwal@uoit.ca or careercentre@uoit.ca Employer job posting: Information for employers University of Toronto Koffler Student Services Centre (NW corner, College and St. George) 214 College Street, Toronto, ON, M5T 2Z9 careercentre@mail.careers.utoronto.ca T: 416-978-8000 F: 416-946-0590 Employer Recruitment and Engagement Team employerquestions@careers.utoronto.ca University of Waterloo John Mitri, CHRP, RPR Business Developer, GTA East Co-operative Education, University of Waterloo T: 289-338-1523 Hire Waterloo T: 1-877-928-4473 Email: hire.talent@uwaterloo.ca
York University 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3 T: 416-736-5351 F: 416-736-5684 Email: career@yorku.ca |
Local Employment Offices/Private Staffing Companies |
Looking for top talent? These local employment offices and staffing agencies can put you in touch with the right candidates. Local Employment OfficesOntario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Call 1-800-387-5514, the Employment Ontario hotline for more information on locating an Employment Ontario Assessment Centre in your community. http://www.ontario.ca/employmentontario Richmond Hill Bayview Avenue YMCA Centre 10610 Bayview Avenue, Unit 12 T: 905-780-9622 VPI Inc. 1 West Pearce, Unit 405 T: 905-882-9561 http://www.vpi-inc.com/employers2/employers.php (no cost human resource and staffing services) Thornhill Employment Hub 8199 Yonge Street, Unit 101B, Thornhill T: 905-707-7332 Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council 603-250 Dundas Street West, Toronto T: 416-944-1946 Akash Mahajan, Workplace Business Development Manager T: 416-944-1946, ext. 358 Richmond Hill Private Staffing CompaniesApple One Richmond Hill 905-787-9911, richmondhill@mail.all-in-1.com Adecco 905-695-0202, debbie.durand@adecco.com Express Employment Professionals 905-597-0620, Jobs.RichmondHillON@ExpressPros.com Grant Martin 905-709-3201, info@grantmartin(auto sector) SKAILIT 416-962-2600, welcome@skailit.com Staffing Services 905-737-1600, jobs@staffingsrvs.com 3T Staffing 905-770-6935, brian@3tstaffing.com Executive Staffing FirmsAmrop Rosin 647-313-6301, canada@amroprosin.com Bedford Consulting Group 416-963-9000, search@bedfordgroup.com Caldwell Partners 416-920-7702, leaders@caldwellpartners.com Davies Park 416-238-5622, ext. 201, toronto@daviespark.com Heidrick & Struggles 416-361-4700, fill out online contact form McCracken Executive Search 416-363-8900, info@mccrackensearch.com Odgers Berndtson 416-366-1900, toronto@odgersberndtson.ca Russell Reynolds 416-364-3355, Patrick.David@russellreynolds.com Sartor & Associates 416-464-6856, larry@sartorandassociates.com Spencer Stuart 416-361-0311, jkoopman@spencerstuart.com Stanton Chase 410-528-8400, m.matthews@stantonchase.com IT Staffing AgenciesDirectIT Recruiting 416-316-3333, darla.somerville@directrecruiting.com emergiTEL 905-747-3300, hr@emergiTEL.com NPower Canada 416-528-2659, andrew.reddin@npowercanada.ca Onico Solutions 416-657-4464, craig@onicosolutions.com TekStaff 416-483-1099, sandra@tekstaff.com Wysdom Consulting 647-884-6664, info@wysdomconsulting.com |
Employer Incentives/Programs and Organizations of Interest |
Making connections is paramount to a successful recruitment strategy. Local support exists for all types of employees and employers. Below find links to support centres, government hiring incentives, professional and business associations to help you get started!
Sample of Canadian and Provincial Government Hiring IncentivesApprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit Apprenticeship Training Tax Credit IRAP Accelerated Review Process (ARP) IRAP Business Innovation Access Program (BIAP) IRAP Youth Employment Program (YEP) NSERC Collaborative Research and Development Technation - Career Ready Program Yves Laundry AIME Global Initiative (for Southern Ontario) Select List of Professional AssociationsSeek out National Industry Associations or associations in your line of work that may be able to provide some assistance with posting jobs or finding candidates. Local Chambers/Business AssociationsRichmond Hill Board of Trade www.rhbot.ca Markham Richmond Hill Vaughan Chinese Business Association www.mrvcba.ca TechConnex for those in the technology industry www.techconnex.ca Life Sciences Ontario (LSO) www.lifesciencesontario.ca Toronto Financial Services Alliance (TFSA) www.tfsa.ca |
Online Resources |
The sky is the limit when it comes to finding talent online! Did you know more than 535 million users combined are on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? Here are a few ways to connect with this often untapped talent pool: Social MediaSocial media is an effective (and FREE!) tool for both employers and employees. In addition to other recruitment efforts, don't forget to make your job opportunity prominent on social media and start connecting to potential employees in real time. Company WebsiteIf you don't have one already, set up a "Careers" page on your company website and make sure it is kept up-to-date. Assign someone on your team to make sure new postings are added as soon as a position becomes available and remove any expired positions after the role has been filled. Make sure to highlight why your company is a great place to work. Posting a Job on LinkedInEach company should start by setting up a company page. It is free to do and can be done online. Then, depending on your hiring needs, you can either pay to post positions online (this is a good option if you need to hire fewer than 5 positions this year) or you could contact a sales rep to learn about customized solutions if you'll be filling more than 5 positions/year.
https://www.linkedin.com/mjobs/jobPosting/learnMore?trk=flagship3_job_home Any questions? Contact LinkedIn at talent.linkedin.com, call 1-855-655-5653 or use the web chat function on their website. |
Online Employment Sites |
Posting a job on popular job boards like Canada Job Bank, Monster, Workopolis or Canada Jobs or Jobs.ca are great tools to garner exposure in an area where a pool of applicants is vast and ever-changing. If you want to target a particular sector, look to specialized job search sites who aim to connect employers with talent in a specific industry. Vertical Job boards General Job Boards
Jobs in Engineering
Jobs in Retail
Jobs in the Nonprofit Sector
Jobs in Environment/Green Sector
Jobs in the Sports Sector
Jobs in Culture and Arts
Jobs in Journalism and Writing Jobs in Marketing
Jobs in Information Technology (IT)
Jobs in Education/Teaching
Jobs in Law Jobs in Construction General Labour Employment Agencies and Job Boards
Other Industry Specific Job Sites