Environmental Assessment Studies
What is a Municipal Class Environment Assessment?
A Municipal Class Environment Assessment (EA) is a process by which municipal infrastructure projects are planned, in accordance with the EA Act.
The Class EA study is important to the decision making process for municipal infrastructure projects. The study evaluates the potential positive and negative environmental impacts of municipal infrastructure projects and includes road, water, and wastewater projects. It assists in the protection, conservation and wise management of Ontario’s environment.
The Class EA process consists of five phases, as follows:
- Phase 1 – Identify problems and opportunity
- Phase 2 – Identify alternative solutions and establish a preferred solution
- Phase 3 – Examine alternative design concepts and establish a preferred design concept
- Phase 4 – Prepare an Environmental Study Report
- Phase 5 – Implementation
Municipal infrastructure projects have varying levels of complexity and sensitivity to environmental impact, and as such, projects are classified in terms of schedule (i.e., Schedule A, A+, B and C). Depending on the Class EA Schedule, projects may not be required to complete all five phases of the Class EA process prior to implementation.