Council, Committees and Task Forces
Heritage Richmond Hill Committee Vacancy
Now accepting applications for citizen members to the Heritage Richmond Hill Committee!
Applications are now being accepted until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, March 16.
Committees of Council
The City of Richmond Hill is committed to achieving the highest standards of conduct by its Members. All Committees of Council and Local Boards must adhere to the Code of Conduct for Council and Local Boards.
Accessibility Advisory Committee |
The Accessibility Advisory Committee provides our Council and staff with advice about Richmond Hill's Accessibility Plan, the Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. The Committee gives Council advice about meeting regulation standards and goals. Meeting dates and times are decided by the Committee annually. |
Affordable Housing Strategy Implementation Committee |
The purpose of the Implementation Committee shall be to provide oversight for the implementation of the Affordable Housing Strategy by prioritizing and monitoring implementing actions of the Strategy. The Committee is also an advocate for the provision of affordable housing in Richmond Hill, and plays an important role in facilitating partnerships that result in the provision of affordable housing. The Committee is governed by the Council approved Terms of Reference. |
Age-Friendly Community Council |
The Age-Friendly Community Council (AFCC) helps to build a collaborative working relationship between the community, local businesses and the City, to provide input and direction into the Richmond Hill Age-Friendly Community Strategy. The AFCC is an advisory body to Council and various City teams. |
Committee of Adjustment |
The Committee of Adjustment is authorized by the Ontario Planning Act. to handle minor variances, legal non-conforming uses and consent applications. The Committee's consent is also required when the terms of an agreement, such as a lease, easement or mortgage commits the land to a use for a period in excess of 21 years. The Committee meets every three weeks on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at the main Municipal Offices. Visit the Committee of Adjustment page for more information. |
Council Compensation Review Committee |
The Council Compensation Review Committee reports recommendations about the total compensation level for Council for the current term of office. For more information about the Council Compensation Review Committee: |
David Dunlap Observatory Park Project Steering Committee |
The mandate of the David Dunlap Observatory Park Project Steering Committee is to make recommendations to Council on the implementation of the vision of the David Dunlap Observatory (DDO) Park Master Plan through the planning, design development and construction of the DDO Park. Meeting dates and times are decided by the Committee as needed. |
Economic Development Committee |
The mandate of the Economic Development Committee is to assist and make recommendations to Council with respect to the implementation of the Economic Development Strategy for Richmond Hill. Meeting dates and times are decided by the Committee annually. |
Heritage Centre Advisory Committee |
The Committee meets every second month. Dates and times are decided yearly. |
Heritage Richmond Hill Committee |
The mandate of Heritage Richmond Hill (HRH) is to act as an advisory committee to Council on matters relating to the designation of individual properties and the designation of heritage conservation districts, as outlined in the Ontario Heritage Act. In addition, Heritage Richmond Hill acts as a resource for citizens in matters pertaining to conservation, restoration and renovation of heritage properties. The Committee also works to raise awareness of the City's heritage in the community. Heritage Richmond Hill meets every month. Dates and times are decided yearly. |
Official Plan Update Committee |
The purpose of the Committee shall be to advise on the update of the Official Plan and related projects, provide guidance to staff (in accordance with the mandate noted in the Committee’s Terms of Reference), and make recommendations to Council on matters relating to the update of the Official Plan for the City of Richmond Hill (the “City”). This Committee is made up of all members of Council. |
Property Standards Committee |
The Property Standards Committee is responsible for the administration and enforcement the City's Property Standards By-law. The Property Standards Committee meeting dates and times to be determined by the requirements of the Building Code Act. The Committee meetings are scheduled according to the Building Code Act. |
Richmond Hill Public Library Board |
Meetings of the Richmond Hill Public Library Board are open to the public. Unless otherwise noted here Richmond Hill Public Library Board the seven regular meetings of the board are held the third Thursday in January, February, April, May, June, September and October at 4 p.m. and are a hybrid of in person and virtual. |
Road Watch Committee |
The mandate of the Road Watch Committee is to work as a community-based Committee of appointed citizens and business representatives, with the assistance of the York Regional Police and staff from the Planning and Regulatory Services Department to undertake various information initiatives to help make Richmond Hill a safer place to work and live in respect of public highways and other similar roadways. This will be done through various methods, including information provided on the Richmond Hill's website and public information initiatives, such as booths/displays at malls and various festivals and gatherings within the City. The Committee will recruit sponsors to cover its ongoing costs and develop, maintain and update the Road Watch report form as necessary. The Committee decides on monthly meeting dates and time every year. |
Youth Action Committee |
The Youth Action Committee provides our Council with input about recreational issues that concern our local youth. Committee members are between the ages of 13 and 19. |