Integrity Commissioner
Integrity Commission Details
As part of the City’s continued commitment to enhancing openness and accountability in Richmond Hill, Council has adopted a Council Code of Conduct and Code of Conduct for Local Boards, and appointed an Integrity Commissioner to make sure the Code is being followed. Our current Integrity Commissioner services are provided by Suzanne Craig.
Code of Conduct for Council and Local Boards
Council unanimously adopted its first Council Code of Conduct on March 8, 2010, which was amended on November 12, 2012. Council adopted a new Council Code of Conduct on September 12, 2018, and a Code of Conduct for Local Boards on April 12, 2023.
Council adopted a new Code of Conduct for Council and Local Boards on May 8, 2024. This Code applies to both Members of Council and Members of Local Boards. The Code provides guidance on ethical issues such as: the acceptance of gifts and benefits; confidential information; Council, staff and public relations; the use of municipal property; and Respect in the Workplace.
Integrity Commissioner
The Integrity Commissioner's duties include providing impartial, third party, professional advice to Council and Members of the City's Local Boards, responding to any compliance issues and matters relating to their ethical responsibilities and obligations under the Code of Conduct. The Integrity Commissioner follows the Integrity Commissioner Procedures.
For information regarding the Integrity Commissioner and/or Council Code of Conduct, please contact the Office of the Clerk at
Formal complaints
You can submit a complaint when you have information about a Member of Council not following the Code of Conduct. You can also submit a complaint if you believe a Citizen Member of a Local Board has not followed the Code of Conduct. Complaints must be filed within six weeks of you becoming aware of the complaint, and no more than six months after an alleged violation has occurred.
- To file a complaint about a Member of Council, you will need to fill out a Code of Conduct (Member of Council) Complaint Form and Affidavit.
- To file a complaint about a Member of a Local Board, you will need to fill out a Code of Conduct (Local Board Member) Complaint Form and Affidavit.
Each of the complaint forms include an affidavit that must be sworn or affirmed in front of a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits or Notary Public. You will also be required to complete and submit a Consent and Confidentiality Agreement. Sworn or affirmed complaint forms marked "CONFIDENTIAL" can be sent to the Office of the Clerk at:
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4
Office of the Clerk staff can also provide in-person assistance, including the swearing or affirming of the affidavit during regular business hours.
Municipal Conflict of Interest Act Inquiries
The Municipal Act has been amended to allow an eligible elector, or a person demonstrably acting in the public interest, to request the Integrity Commissioner to conduct an inquiry of an alleged contravention of sections 5, 5.1 or 5.2 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act by a member of Council or a Member of a Local Board. An application may only be made within six weeks of the applicant becoming aware of the alleged contravention by the Member or, if the applicant became aware of the alleged contravention during the Election Period, within six weeks after the day after Voting Day in a regular election.
If you would like the Integrity Commissioner to conduct an inquiry of an alleged contravention of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, you are required to complete either a:
- Council Municipal Conflict of Interest Act Inquiry Application form; or
- Local Board Municipal Conflict of Interest Act Inquiry Form.
These forms include a statutory declaration that must be signed in front of a Commissioner for Taking Affidavits or Notary Public. The Office of the Clerk can provide in-person assistance, including completing the statutory declaration during regular business hours.
Contact the Office of the Clerk for more information about our current Integrity Commissioner, Integrity Commissioner Annual Reports and the Council Code of Conduct or Code of Conduct for Local Boards.