Natural Heritage System
We take pride in the variety of landscapes, hundreds of different kinds of plants and flowers, rich forests, wetlands, lakes and streams that make up Richmond Hill. Our natural heritage system also includes valuable features, such as a portion of the Oak Ridges Moraine and parts of the Don, Rouge and Humber River systems. Our most notable kettle lakes that residents love to visit include Lake Wilcox, Bond Lake and Phillip’s Lake. The City is also dotted with river tributaries, ponds and wetlands that sustain a multitude of special wildlife species. Enjoy these features year-round, and always respect the wildlife around you by keeping your distance and not approaching. We're committed to working with our community to preserve our natural areas.
Significant natural heritage features include:
- Seven Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest (ANSIs)
- Six kettle lakes
- Four Provincially Significant Wetland complexes and approximately 30 Provincially Significant Wetland areas
- Over 900 naturally-occurring plant species and 160 wildlife species including 115 bird species
- 11 provincially and federally recognized species at risk
- Variable topography that ranges from 164 to 325 metres above sea level
- Three large river systems including the headwater streams and tributaries of the Don, Humber and Rouge River systems
- A large concentration of natural forests, wetlands , streams, rivers, and groundwater recharge areas within the Oak Ridges Moraine
The benefits of taking care of our natural heritage include:
- Protecting natural spaces for future generations to enjoy
- Keeping a healthy ecological balance
- Increasing property values
- Providing hands-on, natural educational resources
- Increasing available space for recreational activities, such as hiking, walking and cycling
How can you help?
You can help us protect our natural heritage system. Learn more about:
- Tree Planting and Natural Area Stewardship
- Native Plant Species
- Wildlife
- Oak Ridges Moraine
- Lake Wilcox
- Streams, Rivers and Lakes
- Pesticides and Lawn Care
- Healthy Yards
- Community Gardens
- Trails
- Parks
- Fishing