Community Benefits Charge
Community Benefits Charge - Notices
On July 6, 2022, City Council passed a Community Benefits Charge By-law 99-22. The by-law comes into force on July 6, 2022.
In accordance to Subsection 37(17) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, the City of Richmond Hill received a notice of appeal for the above by-law 99-22.
About Community Benefits Charge
Community Benefits Charge ("CBC") is a new revenue tool for municipalities to fund growth. CBCs will work with Development Charges and Parkland Dedication to ensure that municipalities have the tools and resources needed to build complete communities. A CBC could be imposed to recover the capital costs of any service needed due to development.
Introduced by the Province of Ontario in 2019, Community Benefits Charges will replace s.37 of The Planning Act, and move some of the services eligible under the D.C.A. to the Community Benefit Charge.
CBCs can be levied only against higher density residential development, limited by the Act to developments that are:
- Five or more storeys, and
- Contain 10 or more residential units.
Mixed-use development, a building that contains both residential and non-residential uses, can be subject to a CBC if it meets the above criteria.
The Community Benefits Charge will be calculated based on the land value of the development on the day before a building permit is issued.
Community Benefits Charge Strategy
Before passing a CBC by-law, the City must have a CBC strategy that identifies what will be funded by the charges, and meets the requirements in the regulation. Estimates of increased need for services or facilities as it relates to the anticipated development would be included.
Community Benefits Charge By-law
Related Staff Reports
- Council Meeting July 6, 2022: Item 13.8 SRCFS.22.026 - Request for Approval - Community Benefits Charge Strategy - (Proposed By-law 99-22 and 109-22)
- Council Meeting June 22, 2022: Item 13.4 SRCFS.22.019 - Community Benefit Charges Strategy
- Council Meeting April 22, 2020: Item 12.6 SRCFS.20.009 - Update on Bill 108, More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 and Development Charges Interest Policy
- Budget Committee of the Whole Meeting October 6, 2020: Item 4.3 SRCFS.20.028 - Update on Bill 197, COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020, and Results of the LPAT Appeal Case DC160010