Capital Projects
Improvements to City infrastructure
The City of Richmond Hill is responsible for improving and maintaining existing infrastructure including buildings, roads, bridges, sidewalks, watermains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, stormwater management ponds and street lighting.
A capital project is a large-scale project that helps maintain or improve a City asset, often called infrastructure.
The City's capital projects are implemented based on the approved Capital Budget.
Current Projects
For information about the locations of current projects, view:
Watermains and sewers
Mill Street and Altamira Road Drainage Improvements |
The City has conducted a drainage investigation of the current stormwater conditions along Mill Street and Altamira Road and the affected residential properties. This investigation was prepared because of significant flooding on some residential properties resulting from a major storm that took place in August 2020. Alternative solutions were explored to address these flooding concerns and a preferred solution has been identified. The recommended solution includes the installation of an underground storage pipe along Altamira Road to prevent flooding above ground. Public Virtual Open House was conducted in September 2022. The construction is planned for 2025, subject to the future budget approval. For more information, email Project Manager, Carrie Park or call her at 905-747-6327. |
Enford Road and Industrial Road Watermain and Culverts Replacement |
The City is undertaking the detailed design for the watermain and culverts replacement on Enford Road from Elgin Mills Road to Cul-de-Sac and Industrial Road from Yonge Street to Canadian National Railway (CNR). The scope of work may include watermain replacement and its associated appurtenances, sanitary sewers replacement, culverts replacement and carrying out the necessary associated road works. The construction is planned for 2026/2027, subject to the future budget approval. For more information, email Project Manager, Carrie Park or call her at 905-747-6327. |
Arnold Crescent, Highland Lane and Elizabeth Street Reconstruction |
The City is currently in the process of detailed design for the reconstruction of the following areas:
The scope of work includes the reconstruction of the existing road, new curbs and gutters, installation of new storm sewers and catchbasins, regrading/filling of roadside ditches, removal of driveway culverts, replacement/upgrade of the watermain, replacement/upgrade of the sanitary sewer, improvements to streetlights, and the installation of new asphalt pavement and sidewalks. February 2024 - Public Information Centre Notice The detailed design process has commenced, and construction is tentatively scheduled for 2025/2026, pending future budget approval. For additional information, email Project Manager, Carrie Park or call her at 905-747-6327. |
Bantry Avenue and Briggs Avenue Active Transportation Improvements |
The City is undertaking a Feasibility Study for Active Transportation improvements along Bantry Avenue and Briggs Avenue, from Yonge Street to Blackmore Avenue. The Feasibility Study commenced in summer 2023 and work is on-going. Public Information Centre A Public Information Centre was held at the Langstaff Community Centre (Yorkshire Room) on Thursday May 16, 2024 which featured a hybrid presentation (available in-person and online) and an open-house style session for in-person attendees. The presented materials can be viewed at the link below: Thank you to all residents who attended the public meeting or submitted comments to the City. Next Steps The preferred concept design will be further developed through detailed design in 2025. Construction is tentatively scheduled for 2027. For more information, email Sustainable Transportation Coordinator, Jennie Geleff, or call her at 647-226-0215. |
Bayview Park Lane, Sandbanks Drive and Park Crescent Active Transportation Improvements |
The City is undertaking the design and construction of active transportation improvements for Bayview Park Lane from Bayview Avenue to Sunset Beach Road, Sandbanks Drive from Bayview Park Lane to Nantucket Drive, and Park Crescent from Nantucket Drive to Sunset Beach Road. The design commenced in summer 2023 and works are on-going. A Public Information Centre was held at the Oak Ridges Community Centre on October 11, 2023. The presentation materials are available for viewing. Thank you to all residents who attended the public meeting or submitted comments to the City. Preliminary designs were developed taking into account site context, historical data, site observations, comments received and relevant policies within Richmond Hill. Implementation has begun, to be completed during summer 2024. For more information, email Sustainable Transportation Coordinator, Jennie Geleff, or call her at 647-226-0215. |
Bedford Park Avenue Reconstruction |
The City is undertaking the detailed design for the reconstruction of Bedford Park Avenue from Yonge Street to Pugsley Avenue. The scope of work will include removal of roadside ditches and driveway culverts, new asphalt pavement, new storm sewer, new curb and gutter, new sidewalk, watermain replacement, sanitary upgrades and streetlight improvements. Construction was substantially completed November 20204. Top surface asphalt paving will be completed in 2025. For more information, email Project Manager, Kasia Piskorz or call her at 905-747-6416. |
Bethesda Sideroad Reconstruction |
The City has completed the detailed design for the Reconstruction Improvement of Bethesda Sideroad between Anchusa Drive and Highway 404. The scope of work includes reconstruction of the existing gravel road to paved rural standards with asphalt pavement, curbs, gutters, multi-use path, storm sewers, ditches, drainage improvements, and streetlight improvements. The intersection of Leslie Street and Bethesda Sideroad will be re-aligned to create one flow through intersection. Phase #1 Construction (between Anchusa Dr. to 50 metres west of Leslie St. Intersection) has reached substantial completion. Phase #2 Construction of the Leslie Street / Bethesda Sideroad intersection and realignment (between 50 metres west of Leslie Street intersection to 300 metres east) has reached substantial completion. Phase #3 Construction (between 300 metres east of Leslie Street to Highway 404) has reached substantial completion. September 2024 - Road Closure Extension Notice August 2024 - Road Closure Notice June 2024 - Construction Notice For more information, email Project Manager, Carrie Park or call him at 905-747-6327. |
Blackforest Drive, Acorn Road and Rosegarden Crescent Reconstruction |
The City completed the detailed design for the reconstruction of (1) Blackforest Drive from Yonge Street to Greyfriars Avenue, (2) Acorn Road from Blackforest Drive to the south limit, and (3) Rosegarden Crescent in early 2024. The scope of work includes removal of ditches and culverts, boulevard regrading, pavement reconstruction, new curb and gutter, new sidewalks, watermain replacement, new storm sewer system, sanitary sewer upgrade, and streetlight upgrade. The construction started in June 2024, with the first phase focusing on the reconstruction of Blackforest Drive and Acorn Road. The majority of the road improvements on Blackforest Drive and Acorn Road were completed in 2024. The streetlight upgrade and sidewalk installation will continue in 2025. The second phase of the construction will focus on the reconstruction of Rosegarden Crescent, which will begin in late spring/early summer 2025. The overall construction project is expected to be substantially completed by late 2025. June 2024 - Road Closure Notice May 2024 - Construction Notice September 2023 - Blackforest Drive and Acorn Road Status Update Notice June 2023 - Rosegarden Crescent Status Update Notice May 2023 - Blackforest Drive and Acorn Road Public Consultation Notice January 2023 - Rosegarden Crescent Public Meeting Notice December 2022 - Rosegarden Crescent Public Consultation Notice July 2022 - Rosegarden Crescent Design Notice 2 July 2022 - Blackforest Drive and Acorn Road Design Notice 2 November 2021 - Blackforest Drive and Rosegarden Crescent Design Notice 1 For more information, email Project Manager, Anita Wong or call her at 905-771-5461. |
Centre Street East Rehabilitation |
The City is currently undertaking the detailed design for the rehabilitation of Centre Street East from Pugsley Avenue to Canadian National Railway (CNR). The scope of the work may include rehabilitation of the road, sidewalk, curb and gutter, as well as the replacement of storm and sanitary sewers as necessary. Furthermore, the City is undertaking the detailed design for the watermain replacement on Centre Street East from CNR to Bayview Avenue. The scope of work may include replacement of watermain and associated appurtenances, water services, hydrants, valve chambers and associated road restoration works. In addition, the scope of work may include the replacement of storm and sanitary sewers as necessary. The construction is planned for 2026/2027, subject to the future budget approval. For more information, email Project Manager, Carrie Park or call her at 905-747-6327. |
Elm Grove Avenue Reconstruction |
The City is undertaking the detailed design for the reconstruction of Elm Grove Avenue from Yonge Street to Parker Avenue. The scope of work includes removal of ditches and culverts, boulevard regrading, pavement reconstruction, new curb and gutter, new sidewalks, watermain replacement, new storm sewer system, sanitary sewer repair as required and streetlight upgrade. The design and field investigations commenced in summer 2023, and the works are on-going. The construction is tentatively planned for 2027, subject to future budget approval. For more information, email Project Manager, Anita Wong or call her at 905-771-5461. |
Fergus Avenue, Moray Avenue, Olde Bayview Avenue, Capelle Street Reconstruction |
The City is undertaking the preliminary investigation for the reconstruction of Fergus Avenue, Moray Avenue, Olde Bayview Avenue and Capelle Street. The scope of work involves the reconstruction of the existing roads, including new curbs and gutters, installation of new storm sewers and catchbasins, regrading/filling of roadside ditches, removal of driveway culverts, installation of new asphalt pavement and sidewalks, replacement of the watermain, sanitary upgrades, and improvements to streetlights. The field investigations in the project area are currently in progress and will be completed in summer 2023. Detailed design is planned for 2024, subject to future budget approval. For more information, email Project Manager, Kasia Piskorz or call her at 905-747-6416. |
Ohio Road Reconstruction |
The City is undertaking the detailed design for the reconstruction of Ohio Road from Elgin Mills Road to the south limit. The scope of work includes removal/regrading of ditches and culverts, boulevard regrading, pavement reconstruction, new curb and gutter, new sidewalk, watermain replacement, new storm sewer system, sanitary sewer repair as required, and streetlight upgrade. The design and field investigations commenced in summer 2023 and the works are on-going. The construction is planned for 2026, subject to future budget approval. The general public is welcome to view the preliminary design and submit comments using the Road Design Comment Form by Friday, February 21, 2025. Ohio Road Preliminary Design Drawing January 2025 - Public Information Centre Notice For more information, email Project Manager, Anita Wong or call her at 905-771-5461. |
Schomberg Road and Aubrey Avenue Reconstruction |
The City is undertaking the detailed design for the reconstruction of Schomberg Road (from Maple Grove Avenue to King Road) and Aubrey Avenue (from Schomberg Road to Yonge Street). The scope of work includes removal of ditches and driveway culverts, boulevard regrading, pavement reconstruction, new curb and gutter, new sidewalks, new storm sewer system, watermain replacement, sanitary sewer upgrade, and streetlight upgrade. The Schomberg Road culvert crossing located between Aubrey Avenue and George Street will also be replaced as part of the road reconstruction. The design and field investigations commenced in early 2024 and the works are on-going. The construction is planned for 2026, subject to future budget approval. For more information, email Project Manager, Anita Wong or call her at 905-771-5461. |
West Beaver Creek Road and West Pearce Street Intersection |
The City is undertaking the detailed design for the proposed traffic signals at the West Beaver Creek Road and West Pearce Street intersection. The scope of work includes installation of new traffic signal conduits and equipment, pavement markings and signage, and minor road widening on West Pearce Street. The construction is expected to start in summer 2025. For more information, email Project Manager, Anita Wong or call her at 905-771-5461. |
Illumination Improvements at Various Locations |
The City has retained a contractor to install new lightings at the following walkways and roads:
The scope of the work includes installation of underground wirings and installation of light fixtures. Construction are currently in progress and are expected to be completed by Summer 2025. For more information, email Project Manager, Hermie Cheung or call her at 905-771-9996, ext. 5561 |
2025 Sidewalk, Illumination and Pedestrian Crossover Program |
The City of Richmond Hill is dedicated to maintaining a high-quality sidewalk network and ensuring pedestrian safety. Currently, the City is undertaking preliminary investigations to upgrade street lighting on Corso Court, as well as a pedestrian crossover on Farmstead Road between Shell Court and Shirley Drive, pending budget approval. The field investigations in the project area are currently in progress and are expected to be completed by end of 2025. Detailed design is planned for 2025, subject to future budget approval. Sept 2024 - Design Notice for Corso Court Sept 2024 - Design Notice for Farmstead Road For more information, email Project Manager, Carrie Park or call her at 905-747-6327. |
Bridge and Culvert Rehabilitation
Upcoming Projects |
The City is undertaking the detailed design for the rehabilitation of culverts and bridges at various locations within the City. The rehabilitation works are essential to maintain and extend the service life of the City infrastructures. Bridges are structures that provide a safe passage and contributes to the seamless mobility of pedestrians and vehicles across an obstruction or a gap. Culverts are crucial infrastructure that allow for the conveyance of water or the passage of wildlife under a roadway or a pathway. Rehabilitation works could involve embankments and structure components repairs to replacement of an entire structure. Residents may see City representatives conducting field investigations during the design phase. The design and field investigations commenced in early 2024. Construction is planned for 2025 and 2026, subject to council approval. The rehabilitation program includes the following structures:
View map of proposed culverts and bridges For more information, please contact the project team: Hermie Cheung, Project Manager, | T: 905-771-9996, 5561 Sebouh Apigian, Project Manager, | T: 905-747-6342 |
Community Centres and Other Buildings
Observatory Building Dome: Panel Repairs |
The City is repairing interior dome panels at the David Dunlap Observatory. The scope of work includes the replacement of deteriorated dome panels, repainting, and terrazzo floor crack repair. Construction is currently ongoing and is anticipated to be completed in Winter 2024. For more information, email Project Manager, Aimee Tsang or call her at 905-771-9996, ext. 6586. |
Bond Lake Arena: Mechanical and Electrical System Replacement |
The City is replacing the end-of-life mechanical and electrical equipment at Bond Lake Arena including HVAC, electrical panels, hot water heaters, and emergency lighting. The construction is currently in progress and is anticipated to be completed in Summer 2025. For more information, email Project Manager, Aimee Tsang or call her at 905-771-9996, ext. 6586. |
Tom Graham Arena: Mechanical and Electrical System Replacement |
The City is replacing the end-of-life mechanical and electrical equipment at Tom Graham Arena including HVAC, hot water heaters, emergency lighting and exit signs. Construction is set to begin December 2024 and completion is planned for December 2025. For more information, email Project, Manager Teresa Chee or call her at 905-771-9996, ext. 6522. |
Bond Lake Arena: Refrigeration System Replacement |
The City is replacing the end-of-life rink refrigeration equipment at Bond Lake area. Construction is planned for Summer 2025. For more information, email Project, Manager Teresa Chee or call her at 905-771-9996, ext. 6522. |
Central Library: Mechanical and Electrical System Replacement |
This project is the first phase of a multi-phase plan to replace end-of-life mechanical and electrical equipment in the facility. The work will enhance the condition, reliability, and performance of the Central Library's critical infrastructure. For more information, email Project Manager, Priyanka Singh or call her at 905-771-9996, ext. 2511. |
Elgin West Community Centre: Pool Deck Lighting Retrofit |
This project is for the retrofit of the pool deck lighting at Elgin West Community Center. The existing pool lighting will be replaced with new LED lamps for reduced maintenance and improved lighting levels in the pool area. Construction is scheduled to be completed by the end of December 2024. For more information, email Project Coordinator, Mike Cooper or call him at 905-771-9996, ext. 5494. |
Forster House and Barns: Metal Roof Replacement & Structural Framing Repairs |
The City is undertaking structural framing repairs and roof replacement at Forster Barns to address end-of-life components. Construction is actively in progress, targeting completion by the end of 2024. For more information, email Project Manager, Alice Wong or call her at 905-771-9996, ext. 6386. |
Richmond Green Sports Complex: Reception and Washroom Renovations |
The City is renovating the Richmond Green Sports Complex reception and washrooms. Upgrades include accessibility improvements, improved staff workspaces, and enhanced security for the reception after hours. Completion is targeted for the end of 2024. For more information, email Project Manager, Alice Wong or call her at 905-771-9996, ext. 6386. |
Fire Station 8-4 and Fire Station 8-5: Mechanical and Electrical System Replacement |
The City has completed the detailed design to replace the end-of-life mechanical, electrical, and life safety equipment at Fire Stations 8-4 and 8-5. Construction is scheduled to start in March 2024 and be substantially completed by Winter 2025, weather permitting. For more information, email Project Manager, Andrew Beshay or call him at 905-771-9996, ext. 5502. |