More Homes for More People: Increasing Housing Supply
Official Plan and Zoning By-laws Amendments to increase homes in the City
Ontario is in a housing crisis, and the City of Richmond Hill is working to increase the housing supply for its residents.
One of the City's initiatives for the Federal Government’s Housing Accelerator Fund is to build more housing across neighbourhoods, especially those near rapid transit stations, which will increase gentle density and supply much-needed missing middle housing in the city. This will be achieved by proposing amendments to the City's Official Plan and Zoning By-laws to allow up to:
- four residential units on properties that currently allow single- and semi-detached houses or townhouses; and
- four storeys As-of-Right in the Richmond Hill GO Station Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) and the MTSAs along the Yonge Street and Highway 7 priority transit corridors, where there is a mixed-use centre or corridor designations.
Currently, property owners are allowed to create up to three units on each property. The proposed amendments will help to build even more homes in the city.
The City will assess the impact of these changes on the neighbourhoods’ infrastructure, such as water, stormwater, and transportation systems, and make the necessary adjustments. Consultation firms have been retained to complete this initiative.
Several public open houses will take place in June. Residents are encouraged to attend the events to learn more about the amendments and share their thoughts. Details are available under the How to Get Involved section below.
Gentle Density |
Gentle density is an urban development term for increasing the housing supply with minimal impact on the existing neighbourhoods and communities. Gentle density allows the City to increase rental homes supply, housing choices, add vibrancy to neighbourhoods with declining populations, and support the aging population to stay and thrive in their communities. Learn more about how Gentle Density can help increase the housing supply in Richmond Hill. |
As-of-Right |
Zoning regulations that allow property owners to directly apply for a building permit without further Planning Act approvals. |
Examples of Possible Additional Residential Units |
Owners may convert, split or add to their houses to create new units. A separate building in the backyard may also contain units. Or, brand new multi-plexes may be constructed.
The City will assess the impact of these changes on the neighbourhoods’ infrastructure, such as water, stormwater, and transportation systems, and make the necessary adjustments.
Images provided by ReHousing. |
Project Phases |
How to Get Involved |
Gentle DensityLearn more about how Gentle Density can help increase the housing supply in Richmond Hill. |
- Housing Accelerator Fund
- Official Plan Update
- Zone Richmond Hill
- Affordable Housing Strategy
- Additional Residential Unit
Questions and Concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
Email Salvatore Aiello - Manager, Development Zoning, or call 905-771-9996 ext. 2540.
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