Notice of Adoption - OPA 57
TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill adopted Amendment No. 57 to the Richmond Hill Official Plan on the 13th day of November, 2024 through the enactment of By-law 147-24 and in accordance with Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, as amended.
AND TAKE NOTICE that an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal in respect of this Amendment may be made by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk of The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill, no later than 4:30 p.m. on December 18, 2024. A Notice of Appeal will set out the reasons for the appeal and the specific part of the proposed official plan or plan amendment to which the appeal applies. A Notice of Appeal will be accompanied by a certified cheque or money order in the amount of $1,100.00, payable to the Minister of Finance and be accompanied by the processing fee prescribed under the Tariff of Fees By-law in the amount of $341.00 payable to the City of Richmond Hill. Certified cheques are not required when the cheque is from a law firm.
Council in making its decision on these matters took into consideration all written and oral comments received on the applications.
An explanation of the purpose and effect of the Amendment describing the lands to which the Amendment to the Richmond Hill Official Plan applies is attached. A complete copy of Amendment No. 57 to the Richmond Hill Official Plan, including all background materials, is available by contacting Simone Fiore, Senior Planner - Development, at (905) 771-2479 or by e-mail at
The proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 57 is exempt from approval by The Regional Municipality of York. The decision of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill is final if a Notice of Appeal is not received on or before the last day for filing a Notice of Appeal.
Dated at the City of Richmond Hill this 28th day of November, 2024
Stephen M.A. Huycke, City Clerk
The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill ON L4B 3P4
Phone: 905-771-8800
Fax: 905-771-2502
Who Can File an Appeal: Specified person, public body or registered owner may appeal a decision of the municipality to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
No specified person, public body or registered owner shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the plan was passed, the specified person, public body or registered owner made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Land Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the specified person, public body or registered owner as a party.
Part One – The Preamble
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Amendment to the City of Richmond Hill Official Plan to permit the lands shown on Schedule 1 Land Use Plan to be used for a mixed-use residential and commercial condominium development and amends the policies respecting maximum building height and maximum floor area ratio.
1.2 Location
The lands affected by this amendment are located on the west side of Yonge Street, south of Harding Boulevard West. These lands comprise Block 39 on Plan 65M-2079 and Part of Block 3 on Plan 65M-2368 in the City of Richmond Hill, Region of York. The area of the site is 8,500 square metres.
1.3 Basis
The proposed amendment is considered by Council to be appropriate for the following reasons:
- The proposed high-density, compact, mixed-use development efficiently uses a vacant and underutilized site. The development responds to the policies set forth by the Provincial Policy Statement, 2024 (“PPS”) with regards to intensification and compact urban form. The mix of uses and the increase in density from its surroundings, facilitates the intensification targets encouraged by the Province within the designated growth areas.
- The proposal conforms to the general intent of the Official Plan for this area in that the proposed uses and form complies, and the proposed development has made every effort to reduce any impacts on adjacent uses. This is seen in the focusing of density and height along the Yonge Street frontage and reducing density and height adjacent to low density residential forms on Addison Street.
- The proposed building height and density are desirable for this area based on an overall principle of intensification and efficient use of land and existing infrastructure along an intensification corridor.
- An appropriate transition in height and land use is achieved with the majority of the height focused along the Yonge Street frontage, adjacent to the high-order transit corridor, and then stepping down to three storeys adjacent to the low-density residential housing forms to the west. A consistent street wall is realized by bringing the building footprint to the street edge and by providing a five storey podium. The inclusion of commercial uses on the ground floor also improves the pedestrian realm along this portion of Yonge Street with an active street function.