Notice of Adoption - OPA 59
TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill adopted Amendment No. 59 to the Richmond Hill Official Plan on the 11th day of December, 2024 through the enactment of By-law 146-24 and in accordance with Sections 16 and 17 of the Planning Act, as amended.
AND TAKE NOTICE that an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal in respect of this Amendment may be made by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk of The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill, no later than 4:30 p.m. on January 13, 2025. A Notice of Appeal will set out the reasons for the appeal and the specific part of the proposed official plan or plan amendment to which the appeal applies. A Notice of Appeal will be accompanied by a certified cheque or money order in the amount of $1,100.00, payable to the Minister of Finance and be accompanied by the processing fee prescribed under the Tariff of Fees By-law in the amount of $351.00 payable to the City of Richmond Hill.
Council in making its decision on these matters took into consideration all written and oral comments received on the applications.
An explanation of the purpose and effect of the Amendment describing the lands to which the Amendment to the Richmond Hill Official Plan applies is attached. A complete copy of Amendment No. 59 to the Richmond Hill Official Plan, including all background materials, is available by contacting Salvatore Aiello, Manager – Development Zoning, at (905) 771-5440 or by e-mail at
The proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 59 is exempt from approval by The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The decision of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill is final if a Notice of Appeal is not received on or before the last day for filing a Notice of Appeal.
Dated at the City of Richmond Hill this 24th day of December, 2024
Stephen M.A. Huycke, City Clerk
The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill ON L4B 3P4
Phone: 905-771-8800
Fax: 905-771-2502
Who Can File an Appeal: Specified person, public body or registered owner may appeal a decision of the municipality to the Ontario Land Tribunal.
No specified person, public body or registered owner shall be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the plan was passed, the specified person, public body or registered owner made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Land Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the specified person, public body or registered owner as a party.
Part One – The Preamble
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this Amendment to the Richmond Hill Official Plan is to facilitate buildings of up to four (4) storeys within Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) having mixed-use centres and corridors designations. The intent of this amendment is to support the development of complete, transit-oriented communities through gentle intensification and the creation of missing middle housing.
1.2 Location
The Amendment applies to the Richmond Hill GO Station Major Transit Station Area (MTSA) and MTSAs along the Yonge Street and Highway 7 priority transit corridors where there is a mixed-use centre or corridor designation in the Official Plan.
1.3 Basis
The proposed modifications to the Official Plan are intended to implement the following Provincial, Regional and City policies and direction:
- Provisions of the Planning Act, 1990, which authorize municipalities to identify and delineate the boundary of protected major transit station areas (PMTSAs), and to identify land uses, as well as the minimum and/or maximum density and/or heights of buildings or structures on lands within PMTSAs (s.16(16) and (21)).
- Policies of the Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 (PPS), which encourage the permitting and facilitation of all types of residential intensification in order to meet the housing needs of current and future residents; (2.2)
- OPA 59 promotes increased densities in identified intensification areas in order to encourage the efficient use of land, resources and infrastructure as delineated within the PPS. By prioritizing intensification in areas which are in proximity to higher-order transit like bus rapid transit, the amendment also satisfies PPS requirements for the facilitation of transit-supportive development.
- Policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, 2017 (ORMCP), which encourage the containment of urban growth within designated Settlement Areas in order to minimize impacts to ecological functions and hydrological features of the area;
- The purpose of Settlement Areas in the ORMCP is to focus urban growth by promoting the efficient use of land with transit-supportive densities. This is done through intensification and redevelopment within existing urban areas. In allowing greater densities within Settlement Areas, OPA 59 minimizes the encroachment of development towards environmentally-sensitive lands.
- Policies of the York Region Official Plan, 2022, which directs that the highest level of this intensification occur within Regional Centres and MTSAs along Regional Corridors
- OPA 59 will allow for the development of more housing in intensification areas with excellent access to public transit. The Regional Official Plan calls for a minimum of 50% of residential development between 2021 and 2041 to occur through intensification. Furthermore, the Regional Official Plan directs that the Official Plan provide direction regarding built form and scale of development to support and implement the Regional intensification hierarchy, which this amendment provides.
- The proposed amendment is also informed by consultation the City has undertaken to date in relation to the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) project. This consultation is documented in an Engagement Summary Report;
- OPA 59 will help meet the housing needs of residents, while providing appropriate built form transition from higher-density areas to lower-density areas.