Notice of Intent to Designate - 12345 Yonge Street
Notice of Intention to Designate
The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill
Re: Notice of Intention to Designate
12345 Yonge Street
City of Richmond Hill ON L4E 3M7
City File No.: D12-07497
Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill (“Council”) intends to designate the above noted property as a property of cultural heritage value or interest under part IV and pursuant to section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990,c.0.18.
And take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill stated their intention to designate said property under the Ontario Heritage Act on October 23rd, 2024.
A statement explaining the cultural heritage value or interest of the property and a description of the heritage attributes of the property is set out below.
Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest:
Built circa 1893, the Ryan-Paxton House at 12345 Yonge Street has design and physical value as a representative example of the vernacular late-Victorian farmhouse architectural style. The Ryan-Paxton House is a two-storey frame structure with red brick veneer and an irregular building footprint. Architectural features that contribute to the house’s vernacular late-Victorian farmhouse architectural style include its two-storey massing, frame construction with brick veneer, rubble stone foundation, complex cross-gabled roof, projecting bay, hip-roofed verandahs, and decorative roundel attic window.
The Ryan-Paxton House at 12345 Yonge Street has historical and associative value for its direct associations with the Ryan-Paxton family, who lived and farmed on the subject property from 1884 to 1991. The Ryan-Paxtons purchased the property and likely built the subject house around 1893 and farmed 145 acres in Whitchurch Township in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The family showed longstanding involvement in the agricultural community along northern Yonge Street and are a typical example of a multi-generational 19th and early 20th century farming family.
The subject property at 12345 Yonge Street has contextual value for its visual and historic links to the surrounding landscape on northern Yonge Street, which maintains a predominantly rural character. The Ryan-Paxton House was built circa 1893, when it was located between the hamlets of Jefferson and Oak Ridges and was surrounded by agricultural and forested land. Although the surrounding context experienced some commercial and residential development in the late-20th and early-21st centuries, the property retains visual and historical connections to the surrounding landscape, which includes agricultural and forested land to the north, south, and east, and Bond Lake to the north.
Description of Heritage Attributes:
- The scale, form and massing of the two-storey building with an irregular footprint;
- The medium-pitched complex cross-gabled roof with north, south, east and west gable ends;
- The frame construction with red brick veneer;
- The rubble stone foundation;
- The windows, including:
- The segmental arched window openings with stone sills and brick voussoirs on the north, south and west elevations;
- The wooden roundel window with brick voussoir on the main (west) façade;
- The two-storey rectangular bay window on the main (west) façade;
- The one-storey verandas on the main (west) and side (south) facades (*note that the porch enclosures are likely not original, and are not considered heritage attributes), including:
- The hipped roof;
- The red brick foundation; and
- The building’s scale, siting, and orientation on the east side of Yonge Street
Notice of Objection:
Any person who objects to the above noted Council’s intention to designate shall, within 30 days after the publication of this notice, serve on the Clerk of the City of Richmond Hill, a Notice of Objection setting out the reason for the objection and all relevant facts. The last day to submit the Notice of Objection is December 4th, 2024.
Service may be made digitally by email to or by delivery personally to the City Clerk or by Regular Mail at the following address:
Stephen M.A. Huycke, City Clerk
The City of Richmond Hill
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill ON L4B 3P4
Obtaining Additional Information:
Additional information about heritage planning at the City of Richmond Hill may be obtained by contacting Heritage Planning City staff by e-mail at Take note that a Notice of Objection may only be served to the Clerk of the City of Richmond Hill as stated above.
Dated this 4th day of November, 2024
Stephen M.A. Huycke, City Clerk
The Corporation of the City of Richmond Hill
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 3P4