Richmond Hill to Open David Dunlap Observatory
Richmond Hill to Open David Dunlap Observatory
RICHMOND HILL – As the owner of the David Dunlap Observatory (DDO) property, today (May 31, 2018), Richmond Hill announced that starting soon, unique recreation programs focusing on astronomical activities will begin at the observatory.
As well, plans are underway for the property to create a destination park on the site. As noted in the DDO Park Master Plan, the park will be a combination of heritage preservation, recreation opportunities and a celebration of the astronomical history of the site.
The observatory, once the second largest in Canada, has been the site of many important astronomical discoveries over the years.
“The David Dunlap Observatory is an important cultural and historical amenity to our community,” said Mayor Dave Barrow. “Finally, our commitment to protect this property has come to fruition with it opening once again for public use.”
It is expected that Richmond Hill’s David Dunlap Observatory will become a regional centre for education and public outreach related to astronomy with its upcoming programming. For more information, visit
Current status
Town of Richmond Hill is the proud owner of the David Dunlap Observatory lands including the park, the Observatory and the Administration Building.
DDO Park Master Plan
- Vision Statement: David Dunlap Observatory Park will be one of the preeminent public parks in the Greater Toronto Area, where visitors come to see Canada’s historic observatory, celebrate the stars and enjoy acres of natural parkland. It will be a treasured place that embodies discovery, education, sustainability and inclusion and, in so doing, forms part of the identity of Richmond Hill.
- The DDO property was the site of a 19th century farmstead owned by Alexander Marsh.
- When the observatory in downtown Toronto could no longer function due to light pollution, the University of Toronto identified the Marsh farmstead as being suitable for a new astronomical facility. As a result, Jessie Donalda Dunlap purchased the property and donated it to the University as a memorial to her husband, David Alexander Dunlap.
- The University constructed the Observatory on the site. It included the Dome, housing a 74-inch (1.88m) reflector telescope, and the Administration Building, with three smaller telescope domes. When construction was complete in 1935, the main telescope was the second largest in the world and the largest in Canada.
- From 1935 to 2007, the Observatory was at the forefront of Canadian astronomical research. Achievements at the site included advances in radio astronomy and the first direct evidence that Cygnus X-1 was a black hole.
After the property was sold in June 2008
- In response to concern in the community, Richmond Hill fought to protect the cultural and natural heritage features on the property through a number of studies and by passing a heritage designation by-law.
- Half of the property, including the park lands, was also transferred to Richmond Hill for public park use and cultural heritage protection.
- Ownership of the Observatory and Administration Building were eventually transferred to Richmond Hill in 2017.
Woodlot Restoration Project
- Preserving and enhancing natural areas is one of eight key principles in the DDO Park Master Plan. There are currently many trees on the property which are in poor and/or hazardous condition due to infestations and storm damage
- Woodlot restoration and removal of dead/hazardous trees is taking place in the DDO Park over the next few years to restore the woodlands to a healthy forest.
- Summer camps for 9 to 12-year-olds are taking place at the Richmond Hill DDO in July and August.
- Astronomy-themed speaker nights and stargazing for amateur astronomers begin in June.
- Lecture nights and astronomy events will also be available for families.
- Group bookings for astronomy programs will soon be open to school groups and special interest groups.