Council Highlights
New Festivals and Events Strategy for Richmond Hill
Richmond Hill’s events are award-winning and a new Festivals and Events Strategy, passed by Council at Monday’s meeting, will ensure they continue as such. The Strategy supports increased involvement and input from the local community on planning and organizing events. It also recommends that the Town provide tools and resources to support the festivals and events that community groups organize. The Festivals & Events Strategy is the result of a comprehensive process that included consultation, analysis of current festivals and events, research into trends and best practices, surveys and a review of Richmond Hill’s plans and policies. The Strategy includes 13 recommendations related to four strategic directions: Building Community Capacity, Linking Financial Support to Corporate Strategy, Organizing Town Resources and Creating a New Signature Event. For more information contact Darlene Joslin, Director, Recreation & Culture at 905-771-2423.
Richmond Hill’s Energy Conservation Plan Represents up to $350,000 in Savings
Richmond Hill estimates that implementation of the Energy Conservation and Demand Management (CDM) Plan, approved by Council at Monday’s meeting, can reduce the Town’s annual energy consumption by 8.5% or $350,000. The CDM Plan also projects a 6.5% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, in keeping with Richmond Hill’s Environment Strategy, Greening the Hill. The CDM Plan includes new energy conservation opportunities to be put in place over the next five years, as well as conservation projects implemented in 2012 and 2013. Richmond Hill is already benefitting from completed initiatives which include solar hot water systems at Bond Lake Arena, Elgin Barrow Arena and many other Town facilities and a solar electrical generation system at Elvis Stojko Arena. The CDM Plan upholds Ontario’s Green Energy Act which encourages effective management of public sector energy use. For more information contact George Flint, Manager, Air Quality and Solid Waste at 905-771-2455.
Upcoming Events:
- Canada Day Celebration – July 1, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. at Richmond Green Park,
- Farmers’ Market – Every Saturday beginning July 5 to September 27, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts parking lot
- Water Quality Monitoring and Stewardship Events – July 12 & August 9, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Pioneer Park,
- Community Stewardship Event – July 24, 6 to 8 p.m., Phyllis Rawlinson Park,
- Community Stewardship Event – August 14, 6 to 8 p.m., Hunter’s Point Wildlife Park,