Notice of Study Completion (Red Maple EA)
Notice of Study Completion
Red Maple Road Modifications
Municipal Class Environment Assessment Study
The Project
The City of Richmond Hill has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study to review traffic operations and potential road modifications for Red Maple Road. The study area, as shown on the key plan, includes Red Maple Road from High Tech Road to Highway 7.
The purpose of the study was to review the existing and future traffic operations of the corridor and recommend operational and safety modifications. Based on the study findings, including feedback received from the public and other stakeholders, the following modifications are recommended: traffic signals at the south driveway, a shared access between Home Depot and Langstaff GO Station parking lots, and a centre median at the north driveway to restrict access to right turns only.
The Process
The project was planned under Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015) process.
A Project File Report (PFR) has been prepared documenting the planning and decision-making process that led to the preferred design. By way of this Notice, the Project File Report is being placed on the public record for a 30-day review person from and including, September 8, 2022, to October 10, 2022. The Project File Report is available for review on the City of Richmond Hill website:
Environmental Assessment Studies
Interested persons may provide written comments to our project by October 10, 2022. All comments and concerns should be sent directly to the City Project Manager or Consultant Project Manager listed below:
Tony Chiu, MASc, P.Eng.
City Project Manager
City of Richmond Hill
225 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3P4
Phil Weber, P.Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
500-5935 Airport Road
Mississauga, ON L4V 1W5