About Your Tax Bill
Richmond Hill sends out two tax bills per year. The Interim Tax Bills are mailed in January of each year with instalments due in March and May. The Interim Bill is based on 50% of the previous year's annualized taxes and is shown as a reduction on the final bill.
The Final Residential Tax Bills are mailed in June with instalments due in August and October.
The Final Non-residential Tax Bills are mailed in August with instalments due in October and November.
How to read your tax bill
Click on one of the tax bills below and mouse over the + sign to learn more about the different sections of your tax bill.
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Interim tax bill - front page | Interim tax bill - payment stub | Final tax bill - front page | Final tax bill - payment stub |
Property tax increases - FAQ
How is my tax bill calculated? |
The tax bill is calculated by multiplying the Richmond Hill, York Region and Education property tax rates with the value of the property as assessed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). |
How does Richmond Hill determine the tax rate? |
The tax rate is calculated based on the total amount of taxes required to provide goods and services to the City and the total MPAC-assessed value of all properties within Richmond Hill. The Regional and Education property tax rates are calculated the same way, using the total amount of taxes required and the total Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)-assessed value for the Region and the Province, respectively. Property tax rates are adjusted down when the MPAC-assessed value of property increases. The total dollar value amount of property taxes collected does not change due to reassessment. However, property taxes may increase due to operating budget increases. |
My 2024 taxes are higher than my 2023 taxes. Why? |
There are two reasons for your tax increase over 2023, the budget increase and reassessment impact. These can be seen on your tax bill in the section "Explanation of Tax Changes from 2023 to 2024." Budget Increase Reassessment Impact |
How does Reassessment impact my tax bill? |
A province-wide reassessment can change the proportion of tax payable by regional areas throughout the province, municipalities within a region and property types within a municipality. In the 2016 Property Assessment Notices, the average Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)-assessed value increase for a Richmond Hill residential property is 47 per cent, with a four-year phase-in change of approximately 11.8 per cent per year. This means those who have an assessment change above the average percentage could see an increase on the Richmond Hill portion of their tax bill and those who have an assessment less than the average could see a reduction on the Richmond Hill portion of their tax bill. For Regional taxes, Richmond Hill properties with an assessment change above the average for all of York Region will see an increase to the York Region portion of their tax bill. For Education taxes, properties with an assessment change above the province-wide average will see an increase to the Education portion of their property taxes. With Richmond Hill's average value increase of 47 per cent, most Richmond Hill properties are above the Region-wide and Province-wide averages, and will therefore see those increases in the Reassessment line of the "Explanation of Tax Changes from 2023 to 2024" on the tax bill. The Ontario Government has postponed the 2020 Assessment Update. Property assessments for the 2022, 2023, 2024 and now 2025 taxation years will continue to be based on the fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values. Please visit MPAC’s website for more information on the assessment postponement. |
Where does the assessment amount on my tax bill come from? |
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is an independent corporation that determines property value assessments in Ontario. In 2016, MPAC sent Property Assessment Notices which revised the assessed value of all properties in Ontario. This revised value assessment is used to calculate property taxes for the years 2017 to 2020. The Ontario Government has postponed the 2020 Assessment Update. Property assessments for the 2022, 2023, 2024 and now 2025 taxation years will continue to be based on the fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values. Please visit MPAC’s website for more information on the assessment postponement. |
The assessment amount on my tax bill is not the Current Value on my assessment notice. Why? |
The assessed property value on your assessment notice is as of January 1, 2016. The increase in value is phased-in over four years (2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020). The assessment value on your tax bill is the 2020 phased-in amount from your assessment notice. The Ontario Government has postponed the 2020 Assessment Update. Property assessments for the 2022, 2023, 2024 and now 2025 taxation years will continue to be based on the fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values. Please visit MPAC’s website for more information on the assessment postponement. |
Will my property tax bills in 2025 also have an impact from reassessment? |
Yes, reassessment value changes are phased-in over four years, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Tax amounts for future years will not be available until tax rates are finalized in spring of each year. The Ontario Government has postponed the 2020 Assessment Update. Property assessments for the 2022, 2023, 2024 and now 2025 taxation years will continue to be based on the fully phased-in January 1, 2016 current values. Please visit MPAC’s website for more information on the assessment postponement. |
Is this tax bill for Richmond Hill taxes only? |
No, Richmond Hill taxes account for only about 26 per cent of the tax bill. Approximately 74 per cent of the bill is collected on behalf of York Region and the Province of Ontario for Regional and Education services. |
What is the Capital Asset Sustainability Levy? |
Richmond Hill is responsible for the repair and maintenance of roads, community centres, trails, watermains and more. The funding for this comes in part from a fee that is added to property tax bills. Prior to 2019, the Capital Asset Sustainability Fee was applied as a flat fee. In 2019, the fee has transitioned to a levy on each property, based on a percentage of the assessed value of the property. |
I am a senior citizen on a fixed income; I can't afford the tax increase. What can I do? |
You may be eligible for a tax deferral program for seniors and disabled persons. Three deferral programs are available, for Low Income Seniors (55-64), Seniors (65 and older) and Low Income Disabled Persons. Each program defers eligible year-over-year tax increases on an interest-free basis until the property is transferred or sold. Your taxes will remain at their current level and when you sell your home, the remaining tax will be due. Learn more about our Tax Assistance Programs. |
Paying your bill
Property owners in Richmond Hill are responsible for paying their property taxes every year. This includes making sure that you receive your tax bills and paying your balance on time. If you have not received your property tax bill please contact Access Richmond Hill at 905-771-8949 or access@richmondhill.ca
How do I pay my property taxes? |
Richmond Hill offers a number of payment options for residents to pay their tax bills. |
How much penalty and interest will I be charged? |
You will be charged a 1.25 per cent penalty for any taxes not paid by the payment due date. This charge is added to your account the first day after the original payment due date.
There is no grace period for late payments. You will also be charged 1.25 per cent interest on the first day of each month until you pay your account balance. You are not excused from making your tax payments or any penalty charges if you don't receive a tax bill. It is the property owner's responsibility to make sure that you receive your bill and make your payments on time. Council and staff do not have the authority to waive or alter a penalty and/or interest charge for any reason. Learn more about billing dates and deadlines. |
What happens if I miss a payment deadline? |
Overdue notices for taxes are issued about two weeks after the payment deadline for unpaid accounts of more than $10. The balance on the notice includes penalties and interest charges up to the date of the notice. Overdue notices include a $9.25 administration fee. |
Will I get any additional tax bills? |
The Assessment Act allows Richmond Hill to issue additional tax bills in a number of situations, including:
Additional assessments are added for the current year and/or the previous two years. Learn more about property assessments. |
Purchasing or selling a property in Richmond Hill
How do I change the ownership of a property? |
Richmond Hill requires a transfer deed or a letter from your lawyer about your move to make ownership changes on your tax account. Your lawyer can email us their letter or fax it to 905-771-2501. They can also send the letter to the Revenue Accounts Clerk at:
225 East Beaver Creek Road Click here to learn how to set up or close your Water and Wastewater account. |
Is there a charge for new ownership? |
There is a $46.00 administration fee that applies to all tax accounts when the ownership is changed. |
What if I'm buying a new home? |
You may not initially be billed for the full assessed value of your property. An additional bill is issued once the entire property is assessed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). This bill will be from the date of the completed purchase of the home and could be for the current year and or go back as much as two previous years, depending on when an assessment is completed and a bill is issued. Homeowners will receive their assessment notice from MPAC first, shortly afterwards you will receive your supplementary property tax bill. These taxes are payable in two instalments only. We recommend that new owners plan accordingly for the payment of these taxes. |
What should I consider once I have sold a property in Richmond Hill? |
If you are selling your property and use our telephone or online banking system, you need to change your account information to show your new property tax roll number. If the incorrect information is used, you may have to pay a $40.00 administration fee to correct the mistake. If you are registered for a Pre-Authorized Debit Plan, please submit a Pre-Authorized Debit Plan Cancellation Request at least 10 business days in advance from your closing date so we can cancel your plan. |
Property tax FAQ
Richmond Hill staff provide many different services. Below is a list of some of our frequently asked questions regarding common property tax inquiries.
How do I change my mailing address? | ||||||||
To change your mailing address, email Revenue Services from an email address which contains the owner's name. You can also let us know about this change by sending a letter to Revenue Services at: 225 East Beaver Creek Road, 6th Floor |
How do I request an income tax receipt? | ||||||||
You can request an income tax receipt for property taxes paid for a fee of $21.50 per calendar year. Richmond Hill has launched an easy and convenient method for requesting income tax receipts online. Your request is entered online and payment for this service is made by credit card at the time of the submission. The income tax receipt will then be mailed by regular mail to the requestor. To access this service, please visit our Income Tax Receipt request page. You can also attend our municipal offices during regular business hours to obtain an income tax receipt same-day. If the ownership of the property changed during the subject year, a Statement of Adjustments will be required for the receipt to be valid. |
How do I get information about my tax account? | ||||||||
You must be the registered property owner to get information about your property tax account and you may be asked to identify yourself. Complete the Authorization for Verbal Tax Information form to give written permission for another person to get your tax information. We need a copy of the Articles of Incorporation to identify the Corporate Officers of properties owned by a corporation. |
How do I order a Tax Certificate? | ||||||||
Richmond Hill offers an easy and convenient method for submitting Tax and Water Certificate requests online. There is no need to send a formal request letter, prepare a cheque or post your request in the mail. Your request is entered online and payment for this service is made by credit card at the time of the submission. To access this service, please visit our Tax and Water Certificate request page. Tax certificate requests are still accepted by a letter accompanied with a $100.00 cheque. The service address and full legal descriptions are required to request a tax certificate. The tax certificate will then be mailed by regular mail to the requestor. A verbal will only be given once the cheque and tax certificate request with full legal description is received. Customers may also pay for the tax certificate at Access Richmond Hill (225 East Beaver Creek Road, L4B 3P4, main floor) with a letter containing the full legal description.
What if my mortgage company is paying on my behalf? | ||||||||
If your mortgage company is paying your property taxes on your behalf, they must notify us directly. Property owners will not receive an Interim bill if a mortgage company is paying on their behalf. This billing information will be sent directly to the mortgage company. Owners will receive a Final property tax bill which will clearly state that the bill is for information purposes only and that your mortgage company is paying on your behalf. If you receive your property tax bills and it does not state the mortgage information yet you believe your mortgage company is paying on your behalf please contact your mortgage company directly. Property owners cannot request to have the mortgage company removed from their property tax account. We require that this request come directly from the mortgage company. |
What services does Revenue Services offer and how much do they cost? | ||||||||
Learn more about our property tax fees and charges. |