Council Highlights
Posted on Monday, May 25, 2015 12:00 AM
Richmond Hill Decreases Emissions and Improves Quality of Life
Air quality has an impact on our health and quality of life. By planning for and promoting more sustainable forms of energy use and transportation, Richmond Hill is contributing to improved quality of life for all residents. Council received the Town of Richmond Hill Community Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory Report which highlights the community’s achievement in reducing community GHG emissions by 32.6 per cent per capita...
Council Highlights
Posted on Friday, May 15, 2015 12:00 AM
Richmond Hill Furthers Commitment to Community Safety
In an effort to continue enhancing community safety in Richmond Hill, Council designated the following three locations as Community Safety Zones (CSZ): Avenue Road from Carville Road to Weldrick Road West; Red Maple Road from High Tech Road to Silver Linden Drive; and Red Cardinal Trail from Humberland Drive to Brightsview Drive. With the addition of the three new CSZs, Richmond Hill will have eight CSZs designated on Municipal roadways that...
Richmond Hill Announces Community Torchbearer for Pan Am Games Torch Relay
Posted on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 12:00 AM
Contact: Dan Di Ruscio, Events Coordinator, 905-771-9996, ext. 5513, Nathalie Bendavid has been selected to carry the Pan Am flame when the torch relay comes through Richmond HillRICHMOND HILL – Richmond Hill resident Nathalie Bendavid has been selected to be Richmond Hill’s community torchbearer for the TORONTO 2015 Pan Am Games Torch Relay, presented by President’s Choice® and OLG, when the torch comes to Richmond Hill on June 24 and 25.
Ms. Bendavid was chosen to...
Council Highlights
Posted on Monday, April 20, 2015 12:00 AM
‘Waz up….for Youth Week?!
Mira Persaud and Arthur Zhou, co-chairs of Richmond Hill’s Youth Action Committee (YAC), delivered a presentation to Council outlining the group’s recent accomplishments and upcoming events. YAC is comprised of a group of Richmond Hill residents in grades six to 12 who provide staff and Council with advice and input on issues of concern to youth in the community. Council heard about the many fun events the committee has been involved with including participating in the...
Council Highlights
Posted on Monday, March 30, 2015 12:00 AM
Celebrate Richmond Hill’s Public Works StaffRichmond Hill will celebrate National Public Works Week (NPWW) from May 17 to 23 to recognize the commitment and dedication of Public Works staff who provide essential services to our community. Richmond Hill’s Public Works staff care for Town trees and parks, ensure drinking water is clean and safe, provide waste collection, make sure toilets flush and maintain the roads and trails systems; and sometimes work around the clock and under extreme...