Council Highlights
Posted on Monday, March 09, 2015 12:00 AM
Richmond Hill is a Little Greener Thanks to the Community
Council received a staff report outlining Richmond Hill’s recent achievements toward protecting and maintaining healthy and diverse wood lots and natural areas. One of the achievements was the Community Stewardship Program where last year, 1,850 volunteers and 40 schools and community groups planted 10,000 trees, restored 12.5 acres of land, 1.2 kilometres of stream and removed almost 300 bags of invasive species. And in 2014, residents...
Richmond Hill Budget Approved
Posted on Sunday, March 01, 2015 11:00 PM
Contact: Brenda Hogg, Regional & Local Councillor and Budget Chair, 905-771-2498,
or David Dexter, Director of Financial Services, 905-771-2484,
RICHMOND HILL – Richmond Hill Council approved the 2015 Operating Budget of $148.9 million at a Special Council Meeting on March 2. The Operating Budget will result in a 2.6 per cent increase on the total property tax...
Council Highlights
Posted on Sunday, February 22, 2015 11:00 PM
Managing New Development in Richmond Hill
Richmond Hill is hosting a public meeting on Wednesday, April 15 to seek the community’s input about a new development charge. Development charges help pay for the cost of new infrastructure that is required to provide municipal services to new development (e.g. roads, watermains, stormwater management and outdoor recreation) and are collected from developers at the time building permits are issued. The new fee is for sanitary sewer infrastructure...
Richmond Hill to Receive Provincial Ice Storm Funding
Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2015 11:00 PM
Contact: David Dexter, Director of Financial Services, 905-771-2484,
RICHMOND HILL – Richmond Hill is set to receive a $1.1 million interim payment from Ontario’s Ice Storm Assistance Program. The Ontario government is offering interim funding while it continues to review all claims received. Richmond Hill will request the interim funds as soon as possible.
“The 2013 ice storm had a...
Double Gold for Richmond Hill
Posted on Monday, January 26, 2015 11:00 PM
Contact: Meeta Gandhi, Director, Communication Services, 905-747-6311,
RICHMOND HILL – Richmond Hill has won 2014 MarCom Gold Awards for two communication-focused projects – Ice Storm 2013 communications and the new Film Location Resource Guide!
“These projects demonstrate our efforts to engage the community and take a proactive and strategic approach in our communications,” said Mayor Dave Barrow. “We’re thrilled that our hard work has been...