The 2024 Building Code is now in effect as of January 1, 2025. Please take note all submissions will be reviewed under the current 2024 Building Code in effect, except that, permit applications may be submitted using the 2012 Building Code if they are submitted between January 1, 2025 to March 31, 2025, the working drawings were substantially complete by December 31, 2024, and they are accompanied by the ‘Building Permit Application Declaration.pdf’. For more information regarding the requirements and transition provisions, please see the 2024 Ontario Building Code.
The application process in Richmond Hill to construct a new a non-residential building (ICI) or to alter an existing non-residential building, requires a number of forms and other materials, including:
- Site plan with zoning statistics, reference to a current survey
- Separate site services (exterior plumbing) permit
- Permit fees, as per By-law 19-24, Schedule "A"
Richmond Hill offers the following forms and checklists to help you complete your permit application correctly.
Tenant Permit
Non-residential project forms:
Project Form
Statement of Design
Building Data Matrix
- Determines the building classification
- States the proposed building occupancy type
- Confirms the size of the building (gross floor area and height)
- States which life safety systems are required for your project
- Barrier-free access
- Spatial separation data
- Occupant load
- Washroom requirements
Commitment to General Review and Owners Undertaking
- Certifies that the project is reviewed during construction by an architect, professional engineer or both
- Informs you that according to the OBC professionals conducting reviews must be licensed to practice in Ontario
- Requires the names and disciplines of the professionals who will conduct the general reviews
Compliance with Applicable Law
- States that your project complies with all applicable laws and regulations that apply
- Requires documentation that proves each law is met
Plumbing and Drain Worksheet
- Indicates what plumbing and drain work is being done
- Confirms what site servicing work is to be done
Application to Construct or Demolish |
- Permit application form for the construction or demolition of a building
- Schedule 1: Designer Information - a form completed by each person who takes responsibility for a design that is submitted with a permit application
- Schedule 2: Sewage System Installer Information (use when applicable)
Mechanical Unit Data sheet |
- To be filled out by the design Engineer for all roof top unit installations
Non-residential project checklists:
Project Checklist
Energy Efficiency Compliance Checklist "Part 3" and "Part 9" (buildings as per SB-10)
- Summarizes the Energy Efficiency Compliance Path used to meet the requirements of the OBC SB-10
Non-Residential Permit and Site Servicing Permit Applications Checklist
*New Part 9 Non-Residential Buildings, New Part 3 Buildings, or additions to Non-Residential Buildings
- Lists pre-approvals, forms, documents, site plans, architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical drawings needed for a complete application
- Lists site servicing drawings, plumbing worksheets and exterior plumbing required for site servicing permits