Development Planning
Land use planning shapes how and where growth and development shall occur to ensure the development of complete communities, while protecting and preserving valuable resources.
All land use planning matters are governed by the Planning Act, which establishes the planning framework, tools and statutory requirements of the land use planning system in Ontario. Land use planning matters must also take direction from the Province through additional pieces of legislation that provide provincial policy direction on key land use planning issues including, the Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 (PPS) and provincial plans such as the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and the Greenbelt Plan 2017 build upon the foundation set out in the PPS and set out overarching policy objectives for large areas of the Province. The 2024 PPS is a streamlined province-wide land use planning policy framework that replaces both the 2020 PPS and the 2020 Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
The overarching policy direction is implemented through local Official Plans, which are created by upper and lower-tier municipalities under the authority of the Planning Act. Official Plans contain goals, objectives and policies to manage and direct physical change and are the most important vehicle for achieving comprehensive, integrated and long-term planning within a municipality.
Types of Development Applications
The Development Planning Division of Richmond Hill's Planning and Building Services Department is responsible for the review and processing of a variety of development planning applications, including:
- Official Plan Amendments
- Zoning By-law Amendments
- Draft Plans of Subdivision, including request for Deeming By-Law
- Draft Plans of Condominium
- Site Plans and Site Plan Amendments, including Model Home
- Part Lot Control Exemption
- Municipal Addressing and Street Naming applications
- Radio-Communication and Broadcasting Antenna Systems Public Consultation Application/Telecommunication Tower
- Sign By-law Variance/Sign By-law Amendment Applications
- Committee of Adjustment (Minor Variances/Consent)
All of the City’s Development Applications can be applied for online.
Current Development Applications
Please refer to the links below for an overview of development applications that are under review with the City’s Development Planning Division.
Use the Maps to find the application number(s) and the corresponding Applications tab for more information on associated file numbers, municipal addresses, description of the proposal, general status and the City Planner assigned to the review of the application(s).
- Site Plan Status Map
- Site Plan Applications
- Subdivision and Condominium Applications Map
- Subdivision and Condominium Applications
- Official Plan and Zoning By-law Status Map
- Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications
Submitting a Planning Application
Before submitting an application | ||
Prior to submitting a Development Application to the City, the Owner/Agent is encouraged to have a Pre-Submission Meeting with Development Planning staff. The purpose of this meeting is for the applicant to present a development proposal and to identify required materials for a full and complete submission of a Planning Act application(s). Please note: A Pre-Submission Meeting is not required for Part Lot Control Exemption, Consent, Minor Variance, Sign By-law Variance/Amendment, Municipal Addressing or Street Naming applications. Please contact the Development Planning Division at for more information. Prior to any development, site alteration, modifications and/or additions to existing buildings on land within the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) where Site Plan Control is not applicable pursuant to By-law 76-23, a preliminary meeting with Development Planning staff is required. At the preliminary meeting, staff will provide you with a list of the information, plans and/or studies required to demonstrate conformity to the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan and ensure minimal impacts to the Natural Heritage Features. |
Preparing your application | ||
The following materials are intended to assist applicants in understanding the types of general submission requirements for development proposals. Please note that formal submission requirements that are specific to a particular development proposal will be confirmed at the Pre-Submission Meeting.
Planning resources
To learn more about planning in Richmond Hill, please visit the following links:
- Official Plan and Update
- Planning Studies
- Cultural Heritage Planning
- Zoning Index Map
- Comprehensive Zoning By-law Project (Zone Richmond Hill)
- Research and Demographic Information
- Approvals Plus (A+) Program
- Community Improvement Plan (CIP – Grants)
- York Region Official Plan
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What are the permitted uses and Zoning standards applicable to a property? |
Use the Zoning Index Map to find out what your property is zoned. Submit a Request for Zoning By-law Information to obtain a copy of the Zoning By-law(s) applicable to your property. |
What is the Land Use Designation of a property and what can be developed? |
Refer to Schedule A2 – Land Use (Page 239) in City’s Official Plan to find out the applicable land use designation of a property. The corresponding land use designation and applicable policies are outlined in Section 4 of the Official Plan. |
What is envisioned for this area of the City? |
The Official Plan is Richmond Hill's vision for "building a new kind of urban" community. Refer to the City’s Official Plan to learn more about the land use designations and applicable policies. |
What is the status of active development planning applications in this area? |
Refer to the Current Development Applications (hyperlink to above) maps and statuses of active applications in an area. |
Where can I access documents submitted related to a development on a property? |
To obtain applicable submission materials associated to a current/active development application, please contact the assigned City Planner via email or email Include the address(es), City file number(s) and list of documents you would like to request.
To obtain submission materials associated to a closed/approved development, please submit a Freedom of Information Request. For more information, please refer to Accessing City Records and Information. |
For more information
For general development and land use planning related inquiries, please contact us via email (, by phone 905-771-8910 and in-person (counter service - ground floor 225 East Beaver Creek Road).
Please include the address of the property, if applicable, as well as a description of the specific information that you are seeking in your request. For inquiries relating to a specific development, please reference the specific file number(s).