Appeal Screening Review Decision
Request a Hearing Review
If you wish to appeal the Screening Review decision, you may request a review by a Hearing Officer no later than the due date shown on the decision of the Screening Review. You will be notified by email within 30 days once a Hearing Review date has been scheduled. Hearing Review appointments take place in person at the City's Operations Centre located at 1200 Elgin Mills Road East, Richmond Hill.
IMPORTANT by requesting a Hearing Review you are declining the decision of the Screening Officer including any modification which may have been made to the fine or due date. The Hearing Officer will review the Penalty Notice as it was issued at the time of the infraction.
Please use the form below to request a hearing review.
Request a review by a Hearing Officer
Authorized Agent
If you are not the registered license plate owner of the vehicle, or person named on the Penalty Notice/ticket, the registered license plate owner or person named must complete and sign an Authorization to Act as an Agent Form. The completed form must be delivered in advance of a Hearing Review and may be delivered in person to the City’s Operations Centre located at 1200 Elgin Mills Road East, Richmond Hill Ontario L4S 1M4, or emailed to
Authorization to Act as an Agent Form
For more information about the City's Administrative Monetary Penalty System and designated by-law violations, please review the Administrative Penalty By-law No. 69-16, as amended.
If you have any questions or concerns about booking a review of your Penalty Notice, please email
If you have a concern about the AMPS program, policies, or procedures, please submit a complaint to the Adjudication Section by completing the AMPS Public Complaint Form.
Parking Regulations
Richmond Hill's Parking Control Section enforces the rules and regulations of our Parking Regulation By-law on public and private property. Learn more about Parking Regulations.