Fire Inspections
The goal of a fire inspection is to ensure that a property is in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code, and other applicable legislation in order to provide a safe environment for the occupants of that building. Fire Inspectors will work to educate owners and those responsible for the building of any issues, concerns and things that need to be addressed.
Utilizing authorities, powers, duties, and responsibilities set out under provincial legislation, the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 (FPPA), Fire Inspectors enforce the Ontario Fire Code.
Types of Inspections
Fire Inspectors conduct a number of different types of inspections, depending on the type of building or the type of inspection. Fire Inspectors perform inspections based on request, complaint, safety concern and routine basis. Our Fire Prevention Division is mandated to respond to complaint and request inspections related to fire safety concerns by the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997. (FPPA).
Additional Residential Units |
Additional Residential Units may be permitted in the City of Richmond Hill, subject to zoning requirements and restrictions, and having obtained a building permit. The Fire Department only inspects those additional residential units constructed under permit and in existence before July 14, 1994. All other units constructed under permit will be inspected by the Building Department. See the additional residential unit page for more details. Note: the City does not offer on-site consultation services on design and construction of a unit. A Building permit must be obtained to initiate an inspection in all cases. |
Business Clearance Letter |
Requests for fire inspections required as part of obtaining a business license (i.e. AGCO license) can be made by completing the Online Request. |
Complaint or Report a Hazard |
A request to have Richmond Hill Fire & Emergency Services investigate a complaint or a hazard can be made by any member of the community that is aware and concerned over a fire safety matter. You can make a request to or by calling Fire Prevention at 905-883-5444. The requester’s information is kept strictly confidential. |
Routine |
To ensure the safety of building occupants, the Fire Prevention Division conducts routine inspections for all premises and buildings, except buildings containing individual dwelling units. These inspections are carried out based on the inspection frequency model set by the Fire Prevention Division, and as resources permit. Routine inspections of premises and buildings ensures the requirements of the Ontario Fire Code are being met by owners and occupants. Vulnerable Occupancies (Nursing homes, Retirement Homes, Group homes and Hospitals) are required to initiate routine annual inspections with the Fire Department. These routine inspections are a requirement of the Ontario Fire Code. Routine inspections of other occupancy types (i.e. schools) are completed based on the inspection frequency model set by the Fire Prevention Division. |
Request |
A request for inspection can be made by any member of the community for the following:
To make a request, complete the online Inspection Request. |
Building Permit Inspection |
Requirements of both the Fire and Building Departments will have to be met prior to receiving Occupancy, as granted by the City’s Building Inspectors. Richmond Hill Fire and Emergency Services carries out inspections of work being completed under a building permit of fire protection systems and special processes pertaining to a building or premise for compliance with the Ontario Building Code and the Ontario Fire Code. Some of the fire protection systems and special processes inspected by the Fire Service include (but are not limited to): fire extinguishers, fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, hood suppression systems, water supply, fire routes and the handling of flammable and combustible liquids. To request a building permit inspection:
Note: Not all building permits require a Fire Service inspection as this is sometimes handled by our Building Services. Prior to making a request, refer to your building permit conditions to determine if a Fire Service inspection is required. Also, all acceptance testing/verification/installation reports required for the fire protection systems installed must be submitted to the Fire Service for review at least 48 hours prior to an inspection (attach to email request). |
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an inspection? |
A fire inspection is conducted to assess the potential fire safety hazards in a building that could threaten the life safety of the occupants. Fire Inspectors will check all areas of a building for issues and enforce violations found under the Ontario Fire Code. These violations include items such as maintenance of fire safety equipment, blocked exits, breaches in or missing fire separations, missing or damaged fire doors, severe electrical problems, improperly used or stored flammable liquids or gases, unsafe accumulation of combustible materials, hazards related to industrial processes, failure to implement a fire safety plan, etc. When a violation of the Ontario Fire Code is observed by the Fire Department, it is chargeable offence at that time. It is the responsibility of the homeowner, business owner, building owner, etc. to ensure that a building is in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code at all times. Fire Prevention Inspectors will issue a Fire Safety Inspection Report or an Inspection Order to bring the violation(s) into compliance with the Fire Code. A compliance date will be set based on the threat to life safety, need for construction and applicable permits, requirement of certified documents, etc. |
How do I request an inspection? |
As the process is different depending on the type of inspection requested, please select the inspection type as listed above for details. For general inquiries, or further questions, please contact us:
What should I expect during a fire code inspection? |
During the inspection, the Fire Prevention Inspector will inspect both the interior and exterior of a building looking for fire safety concerns (this could include basements, roofs, storage rooms, utility rooms etc.). In addition to a visual inspection of the building, maintenance documents (as applicable) are required for review at time of inspection; please inquire at time of booking. An inspection report or order will be completed by the Fire Inspector; if deficiencies are found, a re-inspection date will be scheduled. |
What should I have ready for the inspection? |
In order to help facilitate the inspection of your premise for compliance with the Ontario Fire Code, ensure that at a minimum:
Note, this list is not to be construed as an exhaustive list of items required to satisfy the Ontario Fire Code, rather a list of the more commonly found violations noted during inspection. It is in your best interest to address the above items prior to the inspection. There is no fee for the initial and second inspection. However, fees may be applicable in accordance with the City of Richmond Hill Tariff of Fees By-Law for each subsequent inspection. Also, penalties for non-compliance with the Ontario Fire Code may apply. |
What happens if an inspection determines a violation of the Ontario Fire Code? |
When a violation of the Ontario Fire Code is observed by the Fire Department, it is chargeable offence at that time. It is the responsibility of the homeowner, business owner, building owner, etc. to ensure that a building is in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code at all times. Failure to do so could result in Part 1 “Tickets” or Part 3 “Charges”. Part 1 Tickets are issued for a variety of Fire Code Violations and Part 3 Charges are laid for more serious offences, violations observed at a fire, repeat offenders, when a party refuses to comply, etc. Part 3 Offences appear before the Provincial Offences Court. If you have any questions relating to Fire Code compliance, please contact the Fire Prevention Division at 905-883-5444. |
Can I still be charged or ticketed even if I fix the problem right away when it is pointed out? |
Yes. Violations of the Ontario Fire Code are chargeable offences at the time of discovery. |
My landlord left me a note saying that they are coming in my apartment tomorrow to check the smoke alarms. Do I have to let them in? |
Yes. Landlords/owners are required to test and maintain smoke alarms and are permitted to enter a unit when sufficient advanced notice has been provided. |
How much do inspections cost? |
Please refer to the Fees By-law (Schedule A) for associated fees, which are updated every May. Subsequent fees due to repeat re-inspections or failure to comply may be charged as required. |
Can I pay the inspection fee by credit card or debit? |
Yes. Fees can be paid online for online services, by cheque made out to the City of Richmond Hill, or inspection fees will be invoiced to you by the City of Richmond Hill and can be paid through Access Richmond Hill or our online portal. |
Fire department inspection fees are applicable to most inspections. Subsequent fees due to repeat re-inspections or failure to comply may be charged as required.
We've made some improvements to our invoicing system for subsequent inspection fees. If you have a re-inspection that is subject to fees, you can expect:
- to receive an email notification after your second inspection, that notifies you that subsequent inspections will be subject to fees.
- that upon full compliance and RHFES closing the file, you will receive an email outlining any fees payable. This email will include a link that can be used to make payment online.
Below are samples of the email notifications you will receive:
Rights of Entry
Pursuant to the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 and regulations thereunder, Richmond Hill Fire & Emergency Services’ Fire Prevention Inspectors may enter a premise at any reasonable time without advance warning or an appointment, in order to assess fire safety.